I received a bloggy award, and it just happens to be my very first!! I know right, SHOCKING !! Thank you Thank you Thank you Lori of I'm no Super Mom Your Awesome & thanks for passing this on to me!! ;)
Ok, so the rules are :
1. Name 5 things you love.
2. Pass the award on to 5 blogs you love.
3. Please link back to my blog & tell how fabulous I am.
Five Things I Love:
1. I love that I have been bought by the blood and I am a new creation in Him -no matter what I have done in my past!!
2. I am madly in love with the Man that I know that God hand picked for me. We are both very aware of the fact that if we wern't a cord of 3 we wouldn't have ever made it...
3. I love love love being a mom, and I have the most amazing 4 girls & I just can't wait to journey through their lives ...
4.I love spending time with other women and this weekend I am going to OKC to the Women of Faith Conference with 20 ladies that I can't wait to hang out with!!
5. I know this is totally going to sound cliche, but I love getting to know all of you! I look foreword daily to getting on and seeing what's happening in your day's , Thank you all for sharing them!!
Ok, now onto the hard part, the bloggy love ... ( so hard to choose just 5 of you I love so many!!!)
Ok, so the rules are :
1. Name 5 things you love.
2. Pass the award on to 5 blogs you love.
3. Please link back to my blog & tell how fabulous I am.
Five Things I Love:
1. I love that I have been bought by the blood and I am a new creation in Him -no matter what I have done in my past!!
2. I am madly in love with the Man that I know that God hand picked for me. We are both very aware of the fact that if we wern't a cord of 3 we wouldn't have ever made it...
3. I love love love being a mom, and I have the most amazing 4 girls & I just can't wait to journey through their lives ...
4.I love spending time with other women and this weekend I am going to OKC to the Women of Faith Conference with 20 ladies that I can't wait to hang out with!!
5. I know this is totally going to sound cliche, but I love getting to know all of you! I look foreword daily to getting on and seeing what's happening in your day's , Thank you all for sharing them!!
Ok, now onto the hard part, the bloggy love ... ( so hard to choose just 5 of you I love so many!!!)
ChaCha at Chasing Imperfections
Kate at This Crazy Life
Candy at Everyone Has a Story to Tell
Jen at My Life with Four Kids
& lastly
The Davis's at Davisix
LYLAS Gals so Blog on!!! LA
ChaCha at Chasing Imperfections
Kate at This Crazy Life
Candy at Everyone Has a Story to Tell
Jen at My Life with Four Kids
& lastly
The Davis's at Davisix
LYLAS Gals so Blog on!!! LA
Congrats on your award. It's always so cool to get one!!!
What a great and inspiring list!!!! Hoep you enjoy that conference sounds like it will be very uplifting and fun!!
Congratulations on receiving the award!
Fun! Don't you just love bloggy awards? It kinda cracks me up that the rules are totally different for each one.. five things I love... six things that make me happy... four things I ate for dinner. Okay, kidding about that one!
Thanks for stopping by! Please visit again soon!
:) Robin
cinnamon & honey
Ewww turkey salami? *heave
thanks for the offer though :D
I love getting to know the people in Blogland too! What you said about your marriage was very inspiring - I learned a little bit here tonight!
congrats on your award!!! love your #1 :)
Congrats on your award. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog last week I think. Cute photos of your girls.
I mean the weeks fly by and I believe the comment was from last week. Crazy day at work...can't think straight.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and praying for Mia!
You have a beautiful family! Feel free to stop by anytime :)
I was coming to say Congrats for your award and I was reading all the things you love (which are similar to my loves!) and then I saw my little ole' name at the bottom and I felt all warm and fuzzy inside!! Thanks and Love ya!!!
What a great award! Isn't it fun? I just got my first too!!! LOL!! Your blog looks fun! I'm going to look around!! Blessings, Alicia
Congrats on your award - you deserve it.
Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comment!
Congrats on your award! I enjoyed reading your list.
Hope you have a great week!
Congratulations on your award Leah, you have a very nice blog and I look forward to getting to know you and your family. Thank you for stopping by my blog.
Congrats on the award! And great list!
COngrats on your first bloggy award!! :) AND thanks for coming to visit me today. :) I love it when new people stop by!
I can not believe this was your first. I so loved all the things you did
Thanks for stopping by my blog and congrats on the award! I totally agree with you on the last one, I love finding out about other people.
Yeay, thanks for sharing the love...even though I was last on the list! Kidding, I'm kidding!! Love your blog...you deserve this award for sure. Love YOU too. :) Ang
Wow, congratulations! And what an award it is. Ya done good.
Enjoy your time at WOF, I absolutely love those women!
OH! This is a fun one!
Congratulations on your first award well deserved!!! Have fun at the WOF I just love their conferences we had ours here in Dallas in August.
Congrats! I'm so embarrassed that I'm so far behind on commenting!!! I'm sorry - please forgive me! I love your blog and you! Hugs!!!
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