Today is big A's B-day!!! He's the Big 38 and his B-day precedes mine by 4 days, so I love to rub in his face that he is 4 days old- er!! On his special day he makes certain that we do what he want's so here we sit after going to lunch with the girlies to have pizza, watching 4 football games back to back.... I'm trying to think about what I could have him do on mine that would cause him to whimper just a teence, I would LOVE some ideas!~ :) I have to admit something to all of you, Big A and I changed churches a little while back and it seems that unfortunately when you do that you loose contact with all of the people you have served and worshiped alongside- my friends.. I'm making friends at the church we are now going to also at the co-op we have joined, but it takes some time so this past year a been a little bit lonely for me. I'm sharing this with you to say that since I have started blogging and became such great friends with you gals I'm not lonely any longer. I truly feel blessed to have such special women in my life in you, even tho we don't have lunch or take in a movie together "yet", I am loving having such a Special Circle of Friends!! . . I know this is a Sunday but I want to do a thankful Meme and I hope all of you that pop on here and read will leave a reply letting me know to visit your blog & join me in being thankful.
1. I'm so thankful that I have been bought by the blood. My life otherwise wouldn't amount to anything other than pure utter pain and darkness. Thank you God for loving me when I was so unlovely.
2. I'm so thankful for my husband. I know he was hand picked for me.There are constant reminders in our marriage that resound in the fact that big A was meant to love and build a life w/ me and I w/ him. First off he gets me. I know that sounds so passe but he really loves me in a way that can only be an annointin and he see's the me in me that I wish that I did..
3. I'm so thankful that my girls have parents, grandparents and people who love and faithfully pray for them. I see the fruit in their hearts and lives already, praise God!!!
4. I'm thankful for this blog and those of you that have blogs that I read faithfully. Its just wonderful to get on and see that others of you are laughing, crying ,encouraging, & just generally keeping up w/ myself & each other, What a Blessing!!
5. I'm so thankful that I live in a country where I can openly worship my precious Lord and savior. I am so thankful for those who fight the good fight right now so that we are assured that privilege. Bless them Lord, and be with their precious families while they are away defending our great nation. ~So now that I'm filled to overflowing who's got some blessings seeping out of their lives they want to share? Love ya'll all, LA
1. I'm so thankful that I have been bought by the blood. My life otherwise wouldn't amount to anything other than pure utter pain and darkness. Thank you God for loving me when I was so unlovely.
2. I'm so thankful for my husband. I know he was hand picked for me.There are constant reminders in our marriage that resound in the fact that big A was meant to love and build a life w/ me and I w/ him. First off he gets me. I know that sounds so passe but he really loves me in a way that can only be an annointin and he see's the me in me that I wish that I did..
3. I'm so thankful that my girls have parents, grandparents and people who love and faithfully pray for them. I see the fruit in their hearts and lives already, praise God!!!
4. I'm thankful for this blog and those of you that have blogs that I read faithfully. Its just wonderful to get on and see that others of you are laughing, crying ,encouraging, & just generally keeping up w/ myself & each other, What a Blessing!!
5. I'm so thankful that I live in a country where I can openly worship my precious Lord and savior. I am so thankful for those who fight the good fight right now so that we are assured that privilege. Bless them Lord, and be with their precious families while they are away defending our great nation. ~So now that I'm filled to overflowing who's got some blessings seeping out of their lives they want to share? Love ya'll all, LA
This is such a great post. What a great world we live in that we can blog about how thankful we are to be christ-centered women.
Looks like we are a year and a few days apart.... :)
I say take big A shopping for your birthday, that would really bring tears to my guy...
You have a lovely family! Happy Birthday to big A!!
Happy Bday to big A. i say you should make him watch 4 romantic comedies in a row on your bday!
those are some great things to be thankful for. i moved to a whole new city where i knew NO ONE back in March, still have not made many friends. but i have my bloggy buddies :)
First of all...Happy Birthday to Big A! He da man!! I'll be turning 38 in April. :)
Secondly...I think I wrote this post...through you.....in some weird way. OK, I didn't, but I could have! Everything you said was dead on for me too. We just moved to SC from FL and we haven't met many friends here. Homeschooling and staying at home can be really lonely for sure.
I am SO glad that we are friends through this crazy blog world. You always make me smile. LOVE YA! Ang
Yep Happy birthday to Big A.
Hope you find something cool for him to treat you to for your birthday.
I feel so blessed to hear you are so happy and thankful for the friends you have made in bloggin. I have been praying for your friendships and that you have an abundance of friendly love flowing.
Happy Birthday Big A... I think you should make him sit through 4 chick flicks LOL
I know how hard it is to switch churches and loose many friends. When we moved to TX from Ar we knew NO ONE, I mean we didn't know a soul. I would sit at home all day long with a newborn. We joined a church which is still where we attend but it seemed like it too forever before we made friends. Now they are the best friends anyone could have. Hang in there I will be praying for ya!
aww. I KNOW THESE blessings, and I'm thanking God right now for them too;-)
Happy Birthday to both of you! I am older than my husband and he doesn't let me live it down! :)
happy birthday!!!
what a great post and great blessings!!!
What a great post! Happy Bday!!
Happy Birthday - what a beautiful family and post.
Happy Birthday to both of ya! I'm sure you can survive the four games, but what about the girls? LOL..
AWWW that is the sweeties post, I may not have known you for long but I truly love your post.. they are so spiritual and funny. And I'm honored to have linked to you and like you said even if we don't have lunch or go to movies we still lend each other great advice, prayers, and friendship to me is a blessing...
So sweet, and I hope you both have a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! I love this post. I love being reminded of all the things we have to be thankful for.
What a beautiful post! I love it! That is so awesome that you feel the hand of God in your marriage. I too KNOW God put Mike and I together for SO many reasons.!
Happy Birthday big A!
What in the world are you going to do with your young self! Now that you are ONLY 37 and you are married to an OLDER man! {{laughing}} My husband is 11 years older, so I get to tease him year round!
Okay, for my last b-day #33 my best friend and I went and got tattoos! Very out of character for us mini van drivin moms. But we had so much fun! I have always wnated one, and love it! It is a scrolled cross on my lower back to symbolize my christianity, and in the scrolling design I have each of my kids initial hidden. They love to lay in bed and try to find their 'letter'.
Whatever you decide...Enjoy!!!
happy bday to you & big a... I agree with wifey, make him watch 4 sappy romantic movies in a row. hehe!
Thanks for reading my blog & the comments! :)
Happy b-day Big A! I don't know you...but you sound like a wonderful husband!
Sounds like shopping would be a good thing to craze your husband with...that'll definetly make him whimper!
I truely feel blessed these days and am thankful for so much. Today I am thankful I got all my laundry done! {sigh} Happy Monday!
this is a great post! Your blog is wonderful!
*i love coming to your blog b/c that means i get to jam out to the dreams remix again!* whee hee!
hope his b-day was sooo happy!
hope your week is going well! :)
Such a great post!! So sweet. Happy B-day to him, and you!!!
I'm so thankful for those same things! I love and adore my family, we are all serving God together and are all involved in the church... it's wonderful!!!
Happy BDay to Big A!
I followed you over from the Steenky Bee, and I love your blog. Great post!
Our hubby's share the same birthday! What a great post. HE is always there to make sure that we are where we need to be! THanks so much for stopping by my blog! Yours is great! Follow me and I will follow you!
So I thought I saw myself on your sidebar, guess I was seeing things. If you haven't already added, you can add, I love to go visiting...
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