We are watching the classic movie E.T (the classic !??? so wierd huh!?) My gf Kel & I were talking about how old we were when this came out... Drew Barrymore is older than I am & she's like 5 in this so I must have been realllly little?! There are a few things that occur to me as I'm sitting here: 1 is the laungauge.The kids in the movie curse, was that acceptable in the 70"s? I truely don't remember, but mmmm, don't think so, lol. 2 is how intresting it is to think that 30 some odd years ago I watched this movie & thought it was awesome (that wasn't the word we used back then it would have been something like "totally tubular", or "totally rad" but the meaning was the same! ) & my kids are sitting here glued to our TV watching this & loving it!. It also didn't occur to me that she was a single mom, not real common back then. Boy how times have changed!! I as a mom realllly fight the old sayings my parents used to use on us: "do as I say, not as I do" , or my personal fav: "Because I said so that's why!" but nevertheless I find myself spouting them off. (really urks me too!!!) So I just want to ask ya'll to share what comes to mind when you think about the first time you saw E.T & how old you were. Also,what sayings did your parents use on you that you swore you'd never say & now find yourself pulling out of you own bag-o-tricks? .... We are @ the point in the movie where E.T is gravely ill & the mom is now being told , she's freaking out & just spilled her coffee - all around the room tears are streaming down cheeks because he's so ill & my littlest just came & crawled in my lap. I just loveeee this movie!!! Till next time! LA
Ahh, ET. LOVE that movie! I don't remember how old I was, but I know I was pretty young.
IMDB says it came out in '82, which would make me 6. That sounds about right.
ET, haha, haven't seen that movie in FOREVER. I think maybe even from that first time I did see it. I can't believe it came out that long ago, because I remember when it was big... but I'm not to my 30's yet. Hmm, must've just seen it with the family. I have a photo from Disney too, where I was super-imposed in the sky with ET. LOL
I can't believe there are curse words in there either, wow, don't remember that one! My how times change.
I must've been a crier, because I recall a few times hearing... "Do you need me to give you something to cry about?" Now when I find my daughter seeming to cry or throw a fit about nothing... I want to say it. I usually hold back though, or find a different way to say it. I'm sure there are more though!!
Lovin' me some ET! I don't remember how old I was. If your previous post-er is right (and I'm not doubting her), and it came out in 82, then I was 11. Am I THAT much older than Drew? Ugh. I have to go stretch now....
I think I'm the same age as Drew or a year younger. I remember my mom's best friend from high school took me, my brother, and her two kids to the DRIVE INN to see ET! It's still one of my favorites. I did know the kids cussed, and Mom was a single Mom, I remember asking my mom's friend where Elliot's Dad was during the movie! LOL I was a nosey kid!
It's one of the movies I do need to buy though. Maybe it's something I'll get for the kids for Christmas!
Good points. I've actually wondered about the swearing thing lately too. I rented Goonies for my kids and could not believe the language in it. Where were my parents when I used to watch it all the time? Did they not care? I can't imagine that, but I've found several movies from that era that have stuff in them I'd rather not have my kids watch. weird!?!
Let's see, things I say that my mom used to say...that drove me crazy. "I am your mother!" and "quit being a smart alec!"
Thanks for stopping by my blog, good to meet you. BTW, I love the movie The Holiday too, I never get tired of it.
My boys love ET. The youngest gets a little freaked out. I couldn't believe the kids were riding bikes all over creation and not getting kidnapped...it must have been before "Adam" came out.
I say "because I said so" all the time. My seven year old called me on it the other day..."that doesn't even make sense!"
But I like coming up with new ones too. When he goes to school I say "do good in school today, you've got to represent, yo"
I love ET! I was 8 when it came out and my older sister and I went with a friend of the family to see it at the theater. My biggest memory was of the guy we went with committing suicide the next year (I always remember that when I think of ET :( ). But still loved the movie ;)
We just checked out ET for the kids last week. The boys loved it. Paige got bored but she does that with all movies.
i remember going to the theater to see ET! must have been 5....
OMG i cannot believe how much i think like my parents now. i have a much younger brother who still lives at home, and most of the time i agree with things my parents tell him - the same things they used to tell me- but now it just makes sense!
ET came out in 1982 and I was 17 so I never payed much attention to it until I had kids that were old enough to watch it. You are so right about those things though.
ok so I am digging the music here...that being said I am 29 so I was real little when this came out..i just remember crying when ET got home sick and when he went home..anyways..i am the same way about "do as I say not as I do"..man i hate that I let my mouth get out of control..i need to do better..but the tongue is hard to tame...
I really want this stevi nicks song on my blogg..awesome I tell ya!!
I was 4 and I saw it in the theater - that's all I remember... terrible. Where is my brain that I can't remember anything more than that?
Definitely a timeless movie though. And I'm sure kids swore back then, too! Times haven't changed that much :o)
Off to the polls - right when they open - hope there isn't a line!
I was around 4 when it came out. I vividly remember it though! I went to the theater with my Aunt and uncle and I thought it was the BEST movie EVER!! I still love it and my son does too!
I am really feeling old - I was 25 with a 1 year old when it came out! I watched it then, when my daughter was older, and now with my grand-daughter - how cool is that??
Love ET! I still quote things from it! LOL! I was 16 when it came out! Wow! The Holiday is on my favorites list! Great movie!
And I HEART your McCain/Palin button!
I guess I was about 9 when I saw this in the theater. It was such an event because we never went to movies growing up--I guess because our small town had only one screen and not many kids movies were shown. Loved the movie.
I haven't watched that movie in FOREVER!! I say "because I said so" ALOT! lol!!
Thanks for stopping by!! When ET came out I was in my late 20's and had a young lady I had taught in church who was going away to school. She was like my daughter (I didn't have children) and we always said that we would be RIGHT HERE for each other and always point to our hearts. Kinda corny but that's how parents can be!
I say, "because I'm the mom, that's why" all the time. My mom said that, too.
I'm gonna just put this out there, despite the crucifying I might endure, but... I've never seen ET.
There I said it. I feel better.
ET, haha, haven't seen that movie in FOREVER! To be honest I was one of those kids that avoided movies that caused uncontrollable emotion to rise up (i liked control when i was younger) haha. whether that be ET, Old Yeller, Bambi...I saw them once and avoided them the rest of my childhood. haha.
My dad was a big lecturer growing up...there was always an explanation, a story, a lesson to be learned, a challenge if you didn't agree to explain why and be able to back it with more than just your feelings. I don't think I ever heard 'Because I said so' or 'do what I say, not as i do.' My dad was too much of a teacher to ever pass up an opportunity to explain something. hahaha
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I was little when first saw ET. We went and saw it in the theater and I cried and cried when ET was sick. I wonder if my boys would like it? Hmmm...
I remember when it came out. MY favorite AUnt & Uncle took me to see it in the BIG theatre :) I cried & was scared to death. I was very young too, don't know why I was so scared!!! I have been wanting to watch it lately. :)
ET is a classic!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! You are welcome anytime!! Blessings for a great thurs.!
Oh, I have done a couple of ET posts myself, being that my four year old has a love-hate relationship with him...
Loves him during the day, hates him at night. We have a stuffed ET doll that my dad got as a promotion when I was little, and he has to live in the basement at night in order for a certain boy to get any sleep.
I love this movie and the other weekend when my kids were at their Dad's I found myself watching it.
I was 7 almost 8 when this came out and I loved it then. It was one of the first movies I got to see in the actual theatre. At the time I really liked the boy who played Elliott. Go figure.
The only saying I can remember from my Mom was Because I Said So. I have caught myself saying this to my kids but have seemed to come up with better ones now. But I still sound like my Mom....UGH!!
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