Ok, if your squeamish, do not go any further in this post TURN BACK, ABORT ABORT!!! For those of you that think your all brave like somebody w/ Parkinson's pickin their nose w/brand new inch long acryllics on, have I got a story for you...We went to the Market (It's a wonderful place in Tulsa that sells all sorts of things. Different vendors have booths and sell anything from home decor, to health and beauty, I love it!!!) Next we were off to Sams club ( aint nobody livin that dont know what that it~ right??) Chris and 3 of the girls want pizza, but Kait and I want to eat somthing healthier, so I get Cream Cheese, Olive Tapenade ( Mediterranean Olive spread (with black & green olives, garlic, capers, & a few other ingredient's) to spread on Jenny~o Peppered Turkey salami... Yum right?? We get home, cook the pizza. ( smells delicious!!) I prepare our Olive , Cream Cheese Salami rolls, and we sit down to eat. ( my stomach just did a jerk as I'm writing this) ... Everything is great, the other 4 are really going on and on about this pizza, Kait is enjoying the wraps, then I bite down on something hard, I reach in to get it, while trying to not let the girls see me... I seriously cant go on....What do you think it was??? Justtttt take a guess, and Ill tell you if you are right.....
( FYI: This precious baby was NOT hurt during the posting of this, she is perfectly fine and making millions, no- billions in royalties from this picture!!) LA
What a funny picture!
-sandy toes
Okay the only thing I can think of is a fake finger nail....only because you mentioned it in the blog.
Now I am dying to know what it was????
i'm guessing a big, crunchy roach
dang someone already stole my idea! I say a finger nail too, because this happened to my mom at a resturant!
Ugh!! I have no idea, but I'm cringing! My guess would be what Becky said... so when are you going to tell us?! And that photo is hilarious! :)
Dry heaving. Also, best picture I've seen. Holy crap balls. That, my dear is funny. But still, dry heaving.
I honestly need to know what it was. Like, right now. Spill it. I'm feeling all gross because I just need to know. I honestly can no longer concentrate.
You cant just leave us hanging like that. What was it? My guess was a nail - not a fake one. Or a bug.
Do tell!
A tooth?? I have no idea but I truly can't wait to know!
Oh my... I have no clue.. but stuff in my food, that ain't supposed to be there, sends me gagging to the bathroom.
I'm hoping it was my ex-husband...and that you bit down REALLY HARD! Do tell us though!
Ew. A fingernail?
Was it something from the turkey salami? Was is maybe a turkey foot? or the beak?
Yuck. Did you yak afterward?
You can NOT leave us hanging like this!!! It's early and I haven't finished my coffee yet so I can't think of anything creative. Ugh.. I hate it when I can't be funny. :) Now TELL US!!
I guess either a fingernail or a olive pit. That is just gorss though. Please do tell .
You have left me a few comments before, so I came over to say Hi! Now you are just about killing me with the anticipation. What was it??? I seriously agree with everyone else, we NEED to know what was in that food! You can't just leave people hangin like that.
Ewwwww, (stomach lurching) I don't think I want to know (stuff coming up in my throat) ACK!
Hurry up and tell us! Now this is the food you bought at Sams???? I go to Costco.
hey- have you seen the scary car commercial with the zombie that pops out.
What was it? Everyone done guessed what I thought It was.... OOOO Crack azz photo.... Too funny!! my love I was screaming in tears when you wrote the baby was not hurt during this post.... that is banana's girly!!!!
...and I THOUGHT I was grossed out from what you wrote but after reading the comments of all kinds of nasty ideas from turkey feet to fingernails...my idea of a bone is just SO not creative anymore! LOL!!
You have to tell us soon...b/c the possibilities are just too disgusting to keep us thinking about!! LOL!!
P.S.-I used to live in Broken Arrow for 4 years...went to Rhema. I miss it!!!
Ok I already read the first post so I know what you bit down on and all I can say is YUCK YUCK YUCK...
So I made the mistake of reading the answer first. OMG yuck, not sure if I will ever be able to eat Salami again....
Ugh..seriously??? Did you ever tell everyone????
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