Well.... I have no excuse, but I do partly blame Jen ( stinky bee) ... It started innocently enough. I am a good christian mother who left the house tonight to go and pick up my girls from church.. Why wasn't I at church too you ask? I was darning socks for the local orphanage and driving elderly people to their Dr. Apts... So as I am leaving my home I was checking out few really cute blogs, I say to myself " Hmm, why dont I take the laptop and I can simply glance at it as I drive"... So off I go, laptop in hand .. Little did I know, this would be a night I would'nt soon forget. Because I got so stunned about why a certain blog hadnt been updated in over 15 hours and looked to be abandoned I was already running 10 minutes late, "Not to worry, I'll just drive a few miles over" I tell myslef as I exit my drive... I click on over to My Dr. Wifey girlfriend to celebrate her winning one million dollars, I nearly drove off the road, good thing she's a Dr. I think I pulled something... -Note to self dont EVER try and do the happy dance whilst driving 60 in a 40 in the rain!!! After I wipe the seat off, I pop over to look at the EYE and then see the most beautiful Green Cupcake and then on over to Davisix, I'm just starting to look at all of her wonderful pics as I happen to glance up--- all of the sudden I see lights and as I'm sliding sideways---
Just as I come to rest against what smells like very strong coffee, or a skunk..( you guys know that sometimes you can't tell the diff...) I hear " Maam, please put your hands outside the window and surrender, what is a that, a laptop?" Well, that was it, I was'nt about to give up the puter... I stuck my finger down my throat and began to heave... Tears streaming down my face I opend the car door and started to see the Jave chiller I had just recently stopped to get, streaming down the side of my running boards...
( Man, $3.42 down the drain!!, grr) He seems takes a wiff of the skunked coffee and see the regergitated chiller just as the rain begins to come down in sheets and says " I should run you in, but I'll let you go this time" I slowly lean back in my seat and ask Lil P for the wipies because I know for certain that it isnt the coffee I'm smelling now... As I get home and hobble in to clean myself up I am once again reminded just how important you girls are to me, that I am willing to give up a perfectly lovely Java Chiller and use up half a box of wipies!! - YES You mean that much. Now I'm off to find a throat losenge, I'm pretty sure I scratched the back of my throat with one of my acrillics..... LA

NOW Tag your it ladies... If you CAN, I challenge you to make a post and link to me and 5 other really awesomely great and wonderful blogs that you really enjoy!! - Plz post back here and let myself and others know that you have completed said mission!! ANYONE can play, you don't have to have been mentioned in my post!!( Just link back to me ;) Go with God ladies, I believe in all of you!!
You are a hoot girl!! Is that a true story? Or did you make some of this up?! lol!!
You are not right! I'm dying over here!!! hahahahahahaha!!! Apparantly you commented on mine after all this happened? LOL! No more blogging while driving!!!
Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!
ugh..I spelled apparently wrong...I'm tired...
I found it!!! Woo hoo! You mentioned the cupcake!!! You ARE the sweetest!!! I heart you! : )
So, is this supposed to be a real story or a made up one???
made up... although mine was totally true....
Oh, I'm game. I'm so game for this. Also? How hilarious was this? I am scream laughing! Okay, this is a toughie. But I'm totally doing it.
And, welcome to the criminal club, my friend.
LOL Now that is hilarious!!!!
You are CRACKING ME UP!!! I was laughing right out loud and then had COMPLETE guilt over posting those bazillion pictures...causing you to...well, you know. :)
What a great post!!! LOL!!! You always make me laugh, thanks for that. :)
LOVE your blog!!! You go girl. This entry was hilarious!
I'll have to come back to it and try this out! Lot's of errands to do today.
Thanks for stopping by.. I'm gonna add you to my Google Reader.. so I can stalk..umm.. I mean keep up with your blog.. LOL
Oh my goodness did you really blog and drive? You are too funny
OMG driving why blogging, LOL ... Dr. Wifey would love the effort....
you're a hoot! thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
girl, i would be so guilty if you wrecked while reading my blog! keep the laptop at home :) thanks for linking me!
I always have to remind myself that guilt is NOT from God.
Okay and I thought that I had a bloggy problem,,, ask Ang about our Bloggers Anonymous meetings. You can join us if you like!!!
Dude, it's true?! I swore you made that up.
You are crazy! :o)
Very fun read.
ahahahaaaaa, you girls made me snort right out loud!!!!... No I didn't really do this, its a total frabication!!! But the question is, Can YOU do do this and link to 5 of your buddies??? I know you can, try it!!... hmmm, I need a Mr. Linkey, I'm gonna go check it out!! ;)
This post is a total crack up!!!! If I hadn't read the comments here and your comments back I would have thought the whole thing was true.
Because you know somehwere out there someone really did this!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really like yours and now am a follower. :-)
Wow, this is so ironic because on my way home from work today I started thinking...wow, I really wish I had a laptop right now so I could do me some blog reading..
And look at you! Great minds think alike!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I highly encourage the C-Pap machine! I hear no snoring at all anymore (after years of the agonizing sound night after night!) My husband sleeps so much better, too!!
I'll be back for more visits! :o)
I'm a blonde so up until the end, I was almost believing you. LOL
Well I'm slightly confused but highly amused...and I think this is a great idea for a post....and you gotta take down the bobble head Obama...I spend way to much time bouncing him around lol
I love your blog! I found it on Lori's. It is so fun. Absolutely LOL bobble head!
Okay - I'm still back at the "darning socks" - ACK!
Have a great evening - see you soon - Kellan
I figured when you mentioned darning socks and driving the elderly that maybe this was not exactly all the whole truth! LOL!! That was a great read! Thanks for stopping by my blog...I'll be back! :)
Oh grrlll you are cracking me up!!! I mean really really cracking me up!! Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog hope you come back. I know I will be back at yours!
Holy cow, you're hysterical! You've got my head spinning!
Great post.
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