Secondly, I wanna say that I absolutely love you gal's. I got the biggest kick reading my random email replies from you to my last post. A few times I laughed right out loud. I am so thankful that you guys 'Get Me" and love me still....I am just crazy about you too!!!
Even after all of the car drama, I had a really good birthday. My girlies wanted to take me to Red Robin for lunch, and we had the best time!!!

Then 2 of our very good friends wanted to meet us fer dinner, so we went to Cracker Barrel then out fir coffee!! It was nice to chilax!!
Well, it's been getting chilly here lately & Big A wants to squeeze in a few more rounds of golf before its to late. He and his buddy are heading out at the hairline crack of dawn to play golf. I got myself in a bit of trouble because I just happened to mention in front of lil P that she might like to tag along. She & Big A have been hitting the course & she just loves it... Well OMGAW He blew a gasket.. By the way, Do NOT mention this to him because he just cruised by here all nonchalant & said, " Your not posting what happened earlier on that blog are you?? Well, naturally I didn't answer him, but is this, or is this not the perfect forum to bid this question: (YES , Yes it is!!!) "Doesn't he want her to get a feel for the game or not, & if so, is that only possible when none of his buddies have a few hours to spare~ mid week, mid day w/no advance warning?? Well, sounds fishy to me!!! We discussed it at length ( w/ him leaving every room she & I entered for some strange reason) & him asking the question over and over "Why did you ask me that in front of her ??" & I bashfully retort" What do you mean, I didn't know it wouldn't be a welcomed idea!!!?", then proceeded to ask him if he thought that Tiger Wood's ( oh -yes- I -did) dad ever made Tiger stay home because a better offer came along... So after a few repeated outbursts, thrashing about on the floor & the dreaded tears (I tried to console him, but it did very little good) Peyton came strutting in just a bit ago & said, "Well mommy, I just layed out my golfing outfit for tomowow, & if daddy thinks he can wake up before me, he is wong, I had Katie set the alam!!" ( she really did!!!) Ahhhh, She just gets more and more like me every day!!! Alright Gang, Much love and happy Friday!!! LYLAS- LA
Aiieee! $4500 is a lot, sorry to hear that.
I'm not sorry to hear you had a good birthday, though. Did they sing, 'Happy happy Birthday' to you at Red Robin?
OMGosh....4,500 Wow. I am hurting for you. Ugh. Your Birthday looked like a great time and two of my favorite restaraunts. Did you get your free Birthday burger from Red Robin? Have a great Friday!
Oh Leah, I'm so sorry about the 4500. I won't even try to be funny because there's nothing funny about that.
Now the golf story...that's funny!!! You go, Girl! I know you're a proud momma. :)
So glad you had a fun birthday. You look like you have so much fun together with you girls. I think I'd fit right in. Next year, I'm there! xoxo Ang OH.MY.WORD! I would flip too!! I'm so sorry! But it will all work out!!!
Your daughter is hilarious! She her alarm! hahahahah
Fun birthday!!! Glad it was good! Can we all party with you next year? Maybe Ang and I will just swing by! xo Keli
wow big pricet o pay, don't worry trust in god and her will guide you maybe some car washes kidding he will provide i'm sure, and what a sticy bind with the golf i love your tiger woods version that was great! have a blessesweekend and i'm glad tou birthday day went off well you deserve it!
I am so sorry to hear about your car. WOW! Is your hubby fixing it? Well, have a wonderful weekend!
Oh, $4500? Gah! That hurts.
I hope your friday is much better!!
Wow! I'm sorry to hear about the expense!! Not a good time of year for that, but like you said, TRUST GOD, I mean, what else could you do anyway?!lol! Thanks for the Shoutout! We love you too!!
Happy belated BIRTHDAY!! I hope you had a good one! OUCH!!! 4500.00 that's some dent. :) You need to post some pics of it. Have a great weekend!
4500 that is a big price, but I know, that you totally trust God and it will be taken care of.
Glad you had a wonderful birthday, and your friends and family were good to you.
Funny lil story on Peyt setting her alram to go golf with big A.
I think you have a wonderful God given talent of writing, and love to come look at your blogs.
Have a beautiful weekend.
I Love you
oh my goodness.. I hate to hear that!! God has funny ways of speaking to us!
Ur pictures from your birthday are darling!! looks like you guys had a great time despite it all:) thats what birthdays are for.. a good timeP:) Happy late birthday friend! Have a good weekend!u deserve it!
$4500 OMGosh, I am so sorry really I am. Glad you were able to have a nice birthday out with the girls and dinner. I just love Red Robin and their onion ring tower. Happy Birthday again :)
Sorry about the car damage. I hope you had a great birthday!
Oh, I'm sorry about the 4500. You and I are going to solve the economic crisis through unplanned, surprise spending. I had a $5600 slab leak 3 months ago and had to completely gut the kitchen because there was water damage.
And then my master closet shelves and rails fell off the wall after 20 years. More $$$.
At least gas is cheap again!
$4500...ouch! I am sure it will all work out. God is AMAZING at working all things out. Sometimes when we least expect it.
I LOVE Cracker Barrel. One o my FAVE places to eat. The closest one to us is 35 min away. :( Not too bad though.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you stop back.
Have a GREAT weekend.
hi found you at SITS. Great stuff you have here!
First off, Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful one.
And OUCH on the dinero you'll have to shell out right here at the holidays - maybe you should get a second estimate : ) That seems like a whole lot for a dent, of course I'm not a mechanic, so what do I know...
Ouch - sorry about the price tag there... that hurts.....
But.. um... Happy Birthday!!!
4500 bucks! What the heck happened???? :-O
I am glad you had such a nice birthday! Red Robin AND Cracker Barrel? YUM!
Oh gosh, besides the 4500, it looks like a great birthday.. Loved the photos.
Just finished catching up. Ouch what a crummy birthday present you gave yourself huh! Don't feel too bad though. A couple of years ago my hubby bought a new car and brought it home in the middle of the day. He parked it behind mine and then went back to work. Three hours later I left the house and backed into it. He had told me it was there but I totally spaced it. Yeah I felt really stupid!
OMG!! Wow, that really is some work you need done. Sorry.
Good to see you having fun anyway!! Happy Birthday!!
Looks like you had fun at your lunch with your girls. I love it when I can just stop all the running and enjoy my kids like that!
Eeek. That's a lot of money. Still, it looks like you had a great time with the girls. Happy Birthday!!
Where ya been girl?!!!
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