Everyday around here
is such an adventure, & in these parts
(w/ a 7 y.o. & / 3 teen girls)
a chance to draw closer to God.....
You know, He must sit up there lookin in on our humble little home (that He provides) filled to over-flowing w/Ugg boots, camisoles, scrunchies, painted fingers n toe's and now, an over abundance of texts messaging, w/ total amazement!! I would imagine that He has such a heart for Chris & his being vastly out numbered.... Somehow, to our amazement we must be on the right track, because we daily see them plugging in & growing leaps & bounds. (I know it has less to do w/ us & everything to do w/ the prayers that cover them, @times hourly) I'm really encouraged. They are just getting so big and so much fun, if we could just get the back talkin and huffin under control my blood might go weeks without boilin!! If any of you momma's have advice for me , I seriously will sit with you over a hot cup of coffee ( or coacoa if you prefer) and take notes!! Lil P keeps us in stitches, is always saying the most hilarious things, just today I was getting her out of the car and she was watching a movie and wasnt't ready to get out and she said " Sheesh Homeslice, my movie's not even over!!" - she was being totally serious!! Good times... Ok, Well, I'm off to tuck them em in (thank Goodness Lil P still let's me, earlier I tried to tuck the twins in & they physically removed me from from their room!! How rude!! Hey um, when did they outgrow me~Seriously?!!) For more wordful Wednesday's or to join in on the fun, please pop over and see Angie @
I shall see ya next time.... (tomorrow, naturally)

Oh, & thanks to all of you that left comment's on my last post, you truly have no idea how much you helped me... ;) LA
You are sooo funny and the girls are way too cute.
Your post always make me smile. Well, OK, the last one didn't but that's understandable. :) I will at one time have 4 teenagers. I will be begging you for help and advice. So, take notes, would ya?
What a fun family that must be! But I am more glad all the time that God chose to give us 3 boys and only one daughter. I love her, but x4 would be more than I could deal with.
I so miss the tuck in days. Every once in awhile Chad will still hug me good night, and I cherrish that.
Your girls are beautiful:)
You are one lucky mom!!!
Great picture! I've got 2 boys and a house full of cars and trains, ball caps and remote control everything. Happy WW!
Four girls - bless you my friend! They really are cuties!
My littlest bonus sister is just getting into her teen years...and so i cant imagine three being in the house at the same time! I dont know my mom and dad did it with my sister and I (we were 15 months apart) but I still remember she would set us aside and have AA meetings. (attitude adjustment meetings) Those were always fun. NOT. But, as my mom likes to say, I got my butt back in line! :)
Your family is soo cute!
thanks for visiting my blog!
you have a beautiful family....I'll be adding your blog to my list I follow.
Your girls are adorable. My best advice after raising 3 teenagers at the same time.....When they hit that age, that ugly age where no matter what you do it's WRONG....I learned a valuable lesson to get through that time. PICK YOUR BATTLES! Find the battles you MUST win...and concede the little skirmishes that aren't all that important in the big scheme of things. It keeps you and your teen sane!
i suspect that there's never a dull moment in your household, and i'm a little bit jealous of that. :) your girls are lovely.
Awe your girls are cuteness!
Thanks for the comments, I appreciate them :)
They grow up to fast! Your girls are all so cute/beautiful! I am so glad that God is blessing your family!
What beautiful girls you have. I have two girls who are 2 1/2 years apart so if our teenage years are anything like our preteen years Heaven help me.
Happy ~WW~
You're so funny! I'm not sure when that back talkin gets under control but I do know when it started...at least with our girls! Man oh man, can they get under my skin with that!?! But we are firm and constantly remind them of God's Truth in relation to children honoring their parents! I'm trusting Him to do the rest! It seems that everyday one of them is without some privilege or another!
Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday and thanks so much for all of the sweet comments. You are a blessing!
the funniest and true post. God is smiling....
You, my dear, are hilarious! Love, love the picture!! Grooving to your music.
This really is the good ole days for you. It will be shortly a memory. :(
Thanks for having my back on the teeth goobers.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Someday I will have three teen girls and your last post scares me! I can't imagine how hard it must be to experience your child's pain - its bad enough when they are sick or get their feelings hurt.
that is SUCH A GREAT pic!!!!!!!!
I would love to sit with you and have a cup of coffee. I can give you notes but I have a 17 year old boy...Sigh...it's fun but challenging! I'll be praying for ya! xo
I still so owe you a meme don't I? Don't think I've forgotten, but I've been racking my brain how to do it. Please don't think I'm forgetting you. Yours was just so clever and I can't even imagine how to come close! Okay, I'm off to eat a poptart and brainstorm.
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