Ya'll may,or may not remember but about 4 or so months ago we got a tornado warning @ like 3am , being a (not so) recent transplant from SW. Florida, we reallllly wern't accustomed to the protocol of a TORNADO WARNING... Well, I awoke to my very calm ,sensible husband yelling @ the top of his screaming voice "Runnnnn , honey, runnnnn for your life" so up I come, eyes dried shut w/ him saying ( still very loudly) "Get in the closettttt"- I still @ this point have no idea why- off I go completely entangled w/ blankets & sheets ( I grabbed them for fear that my not-so-very-un unattractive-fireman neighbor would happen on the scene and find me in my closet unconcious and bra-less). Well, what must have been close to an hour later I awake completely alone, flashlight battery on the verge of dying, suddenly realizing that I have no idea where my youngins and the hubb's are... Off I go in total darkness wrapped in said bedding, get to my closet door & crack go's my ankle! I drag myself, ankle throbbing, down the hall to my loving family who are all cuddled up watching the news in one of the girl's room and hear " Mommy, where have you been, we are under a tornado warning you know?".... I turned right around, dragged myself back to my bedroom and said " Lord, if it's my time to go, you'll find me in my bed plotting my husbands death"....Fast fwd 4 months & here I sit w/ it still acheing, burning & throbbing . I ask my dear husband & precious gift from God (whom I've worked very hard to forgive) to please apply sports cream to it because I am in pain, and he lovingly says to me "Can you do it yourself, OR CANT YOU REACH IT?! (Words his, Emphasis Totally Mine) ... I will let you know how the rest of the convo go's after he wakes up, hopefully w/out a concussion... T( That pic up there ^ mean's to say "months' not days"!!!) Ok, I gatta go, he's comming to.... till next time, LA
PS. I googled sprained ankle and this pic literally said she looks like this because of a sprained ANKLE!!! Gurlz, am I gonna be ok???? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Also, wait.... you have a neighbor who's a fireman and he's UNATTRACTIVE? Did I read that right? Aren't they all hot and smooth and hang out near fire polls? Are you okay? And another also, whenever I think of that whole Tonya Harding vs Nancy Kerrigan thing I just laugh. It seems so impossible. If I didn't know better I would think that was an awful plot for a Lifetime Movie.
I am just lovin your blog... Way too funny... Hope it feels better soon.
Nope he is seriously Hot, I rewrote it ;)
Darn girl that ankle still hurts.Hope he comes to and puts that sports cream on you.
You bring me a salami sandwich that won't kill me and I'll rub some cream on your feet. I ain't afraid! :) Hope you're feeling better with it soon. You going to the DR? I mean, it should be better by now, right? Ang
Bwahaha. I'm not laughing at your ankle, I'm laughing at the fact that I'd be asleep in the closet too.
Thats hiliarious! I hope your ankle is better asap. Or get a hot EMT to fix it ;)
awwww... hope it's better!
that pic of madonna... lolz!
I'm thinking you should get sympothy from fireman neighbor. Hubby should come running with sports cream after that!
So, how long will he be sleeping on the couch? or better yet, in the closet!
Hope your ankle is better. I'm thinking an extra day of bon bon's is in order.
wow what a story , I am so sorry for the pain in your ankle and glad that your fire man, man is pleasing to the eye. maybe he can do a dirty trick on hubby! was this really all a joke? i was waitting for a ha ha just kidding. i sure hope you feel better real soon. have you been back to the Doctor?
You poor thing! I hope it heals soon!
Yikes!!! Sprained ankle no fun, tornadoes also no fun. I don't know where you moved to but if its somewhere in the midwest I am sure it won't be your last tornado! Good luck with your ankle
I know when that warning was.. my husband put me and our dogs in the closet and was outside lookiing around and watching tv!!!
Maybe you should go to the dr:)
Hope it gets better!
Whoa, is that Madonna? Oh please, I hope your sprained ankle isn't as serious as hers!!!
As a resident of Missouri, I'm pretty accustomed to the old tornado warnings. Don't worry - in a couple of years you'll start sleeping right through the old siren!
hahahahahaha! I love it!! You are too funny! I dont however love your ankle still hurting...and please dont end up looking like that skeleton because of your ankle. I could send some rehabilitation chocholate if you needed?
Seriously!!! Shouldn't it be better by now!!! This post made me laugh right out loud!
Leah, I seriously hope you don't end up looking like that!! I'm sure it had to do with many things other than a sprained ankle! :)
Hilarious story. I would so not want to be caught lying braless in my closet either and hope you feel better soon.
Oh and I do remember and still can't fathom the whole Tonya Harding / Nancy Kerrigan thing. It's just crazy.
Thanks for commenting on my blog. And for posting that seriously creepy picture of Madonna.
I will be back!
This post was so FUNNY, I am so happy you commented on my blog so I could find your's and read this!!!!
And the pic of Madonna...priceless!!!
Too funny that they left you in the closet....and he'd be nursing his own "Nancy Kerrigan" after that crack he made!!!
hey girl! check out my blog...there is a fun award i'd like to pass on to you :)
Hope it feels better soon!!
That picture oh my!
-sandy toes
You crack me up!! Thanks for making me smile!!
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