Our family's journey, & all the bumps & bruises along the way...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Hear Ye Hear Ye- I tell you I need your help & I get 8 reply's, but I tell ya I got pulled over & pee'd myself & I get nearly 30?!!
So I'm gonna try a lil different tactic.-some may call it brilliant, some may call it shady, whatever ya call it, I wanna see those replies rollin in-... As I mentioned before , I really want our friend Keli to win this contest ( we know she's the best) I would also really like for you all to get to know each otherand maybe visit blogg'syou havn't before. So I'm gonna offer up a lil incentive.... I found the most beautiful 3 candle hanging obra, It will look so wonderful all aglow with red candles on christmas eve - I got one for me & naturally one for you too!! ( Its a foot and some inches tall, smokey glass surrounds on three hanging tiered lamps- seriously CUTE, & larger than it looks in the pic!!)Ohhh, you say, and how do I go about winning such a de'light'ful gift so close to Christmas time??... We'll I'm glad you asked!!! I am having a contest- If you want to win this precious beauty, you must first go and give a click for Keli (Dream Imagine Live-please read the last post of mine for more info) then visit at least 3 of my trusty sidekicks listed on my blog roll to the right-And please tell them that I sent ya ;) --(The first 10or so of you that arnt listed and would like to be, please let me know and I shall at once add you!!) Then return here and let me know you have completed the task ( you may visit My thread and 3 blog roll buddies once a day until Saturday Morning @ 10 amCST (but YOU CAN ONLY CLICK FOR KELI ONCE, so make it count ;). At which time I shall count the replies and then the person that showed the most bloggy love and reported back here to let me know shall be the sole owner of this truly lovely lil Beaut!! If there happens to be a tie, I will then put those names in a hat and the Hubbs shall draw the name... On Saturday afternoon I will post the winner , you can then email me with your address, & off shall go your sweet lil prize!! Sound like fun?? & please also check out other posts on my blog if you havnt already;) Okay Peeps, Yes Yes, Be sure & TELL YOUR Friends on your blog about my giveaway, and let the voting and replying begin!!
I want to win this!!!! Hey, I'm not on your sidebar! LOl! Add me please!!! I'm trying my best to get her votes!! And I already visit He & Me +3, My charming kids, and Keli of course regularly, but I also went to All thing are Possible after your post! I will visit more soon!!
You are so putting me to shame. I am Keli's real life BFF and yet you're the one getting her all the votes. Oh, the pressure!
OK, I think this is a super cute idea. I'm there! I'm going now...to check out 3 new blogs...because I don't already follow so many that I can't keep up...and I need to spend more time on the computer....my kids love that I neglect them.
I've been blogging for 2 whole weeks and love it...tons to learn, but love it! Thanks for taking a moment to Sit a Spell on mama's porch...my new blog. : )
Feel free to add me to your roll...I'm gonna try and figure all this give away stuff out!
LA!! You are simply the best!!! I sooo wish we lived closer, wanna meet halfway??? I need to give you a HUG!!!! I love you!!! I need one of those obra's too!!!! What a wonderful thing you are doing for me! I will now call you mine! hee hee
Thank you so much everybody for voting!!! It would be so cool to win!!!
I have been going daily to vote for Keli I want her to win really really bad!!! Ok, I pretty much stalk the blogs that you have listed but did find a few that I have not yet been too. I am not on your blogroll, however I do come here quite often and leave comments (because I just love your blog) so maybe just maybe I will be liked, stalked or whatever I have to do to get added to your blogroll!!!!!!!
Oh this is the greatest idea. You are so wonderful.. I already visit a lot of those on a daily basis, so excited to visit some new one's you have on there.
Ooops, I posted on the wrong post. I thought I saw myself on your sidebar, guess I was seeing things. You can add me if you want, I love to go visiting...
Surely I have to be the one showing the most love..lol! I just visited balancing beauty and bedlam, I'm no super Mom but I'm loving it!, and fat girl skinny!! You can check me out if you'd like because I have been leaving comments on all! lol!!
What an awesome giveaway and a great way to get Keli some awesome votes. I so want her to win.
So now I will head over and visit 3 of your bloggy friends on the blog roll. I would love to be added to that awesome blog roll too please. :-)
Ok, I visited and I think I found some new blogs to stalk. Thanks for chance to check them out!!!!
I want to win this!!!! Hey, I'm not on your sidebar! LOl! Add me please!!! I'm trying my best to get her votes!! And I already visit He & Me +3, My charming kids, and Keli of course regularly, but I also went to All thing are Possible after your post! I will visit more soon!!
Oh yea! Can I post about your giveaway on my blog, so maybe more people will go vote for Keli?! I want to ask before I do it!!
Ah, nevermind, I did it anyway! I knew you wouldn't mind! *grin*! Love ya girl!!
Thank's for stopping by my blog! I am now following yours!! I am glad too.. FUN!!! See ya soon!
You are so putting me to shame. I am Keli's real life BFF and yet you're the one getting her all the votes. Oh, the pressure!
OK, I think this is a super cute idea. I'm there! I'm going now...to check out 3 new blogs...because I don't already follow so many that I can't keep up...and I need to spend more time on the computer....my kids love that I neglect them.
OK my friend....I did it! That was fun! You follow some really funny ladies!!! Of course, you are the FUNNIEST! Does that earn me brownie points? Ang
You are such a great blog friend, I can't even imagine what you must be like IRL. :)
What a great give away...luv it.
thanks for dropping by my blog too!!
Hmmm, I have to do this after coffee for sure.
CUTE! Thanks for visiting my blog. I am excited to find yours. I will now have a look around. m
What a great friend you are - and a wonderful idea.
How sweet of you! Of course on the day I talk about sweaty balls you send people over! :) LOL
Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's always great to find new bloggy friends!
I am off to place a check by Keli's name and then stalk away... Thanks!!
I've been blogging for 2 whole weeks and love it...tons to learn, but love it! Thanks for taking a moment to Sit a Spell on mama's porch...my new blog. : )
Feel free to add me to your roll...I'm gonna try and figure all this give away stuff out!
okay, voted for keli and read 3 blogs!!
so nice of you to spread the bloggy love around!!!
LA!! You are simply the best!!! I sooo wish we lived closer, wanna meet halfway??? I need to give you a HUG!!!! I love you!!! I need one of those obra's too!!!! What a wonderful thing you are doing for me! I will now call you mine! hee hee
Thank you so much everybody for voting!!! It would be so cool to win!!!
I voted :)
I visited janabanana, My 5 blessings, and Dr. Wifey today!! *CHEEZZZEEE*
I have been going daily to vote for Keli I want her to win really really bad!!! Ok, I pretty much stalk the blogs that you have listed but did find a few that I have not yet been too. I am not on your blogroll, however I do come here quite often and leave comments (because I just love your blog) so maybe just maybe I will be liked, stalked or whatever I have to do to get added to your blogroll!!!!!!!
Oh this is the greatest idea. You are so wonderful.. I already visit a lot of those on a daily basis, so excited to visit some new one's you have on there.
Ooops, I posted on the wrong post. I thought I saw myself on your sidebar, guess I was seeing things. You can add me if you want, I love to go visiting...
Okay, that was fun, just went and met some new wonderul blogs... Have a blessed day.
Ok, so today I've visited Blah, Blah, Blah blog, Fresh Mommy, and Jason and Kam!! Another entry! Yay! I hope I win!!
Surely I have to be the one showing the most love..lol! I just visited balancing beauty and bedlam, I'm no super Mom but I'm loving it!, and fat girl skinny!! You can check me out if you'd like because I have been leaving comments on all! lol!!
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