(repost from a post that was posted prior to this post)
Ok I'm just gonna get out with it.. I've totally turned into my MOTHER! We had our cable turned off for the summer to try & encourage our youngins to venture outdoors, read a book or I dunno,actually hang out w/ big A & I. (not the part thats like my mother) Because we don't have cable we are watching things we don't typically watch (I've just started to get over my Hgtv, little people big world,kardash & Flippin out addictions)-Sooooo tonight we are watching PBS & I am literally sitting here jamming out,( tv volume full throttle) to Stevie Nicks!!! I like Stevie, and just now my eldest daughter just strolled in & said "Mom,who's the old lady your jamming out to? WHATTTTT?? How could she, doesn't she know that Stevie is one of the Queens of rock?! Of coarse she doesn't, she just 15 duh. Back to where I'm slightly resembeling my mother, I can remember her listening to music way back when & I would just roll my eyes & snicker,or sigh because I just hated it. She would give me what for,then try to convince me of how great whatever she was listening to was -I never got it. Well, I just sat KT down and attempted to explain the diff between the classics & the junk they play today on secular radio & I stoppped cold in my tracks. I distincly recall as I sat time after time w/ mother pushing her ideas on me that I would never do that or make my kids do chores, I'd let them drive @ 15,stay out half the night, sleep half the weekend away, watch whatever they wanted to on tv, make out w/ their boyfriend on the couch while my rich, investment banker, model husband & I sat holding hands, looking lovengly into eachothers eyes as he carressed my - uh, oh sorry, I digress...Where was I, oh yes ,well I once again recommit myself to not cramming my ideas down their throats! Ok ,the girls have just been asked to go and get the record player set up so I'm off to dig out my reo speedwagon, pat benitar & rickspringfield lp's! I'm sure they'll luv it! What bands do you still rock out to, come on, you know you do! - Oh and this is a SHOUT OUT to the Lurkers, you know that I KNOW THAT YOU KNOW who you are- Care to break free and leave a little comment? Till next time! LA
Ok I'm just gonna get out with it.. I've totally turned into my MOTHER! We had our cable turned off for the summer to try & encourage our youngins to venture outdoors, read a book or I dunno,actually hang out w/ big A & I. (not the part thats like my mother) Because we don't have cable we are watching things we don't typically watch (I've just started to get over my Hgtv, little people big world,kardash & Flippin out addictions)-Sooooo tonight we are watching PBS & I am literally sitting here jamming out,( tv volume full throttle) to Stevie Nicks!!! I like Stevie, and just now my eldest daughter just strolled in & said "Mom,who's the old lady your jamming out to? WHATTTTT?? How could she, doesn't she know that Stevie is one of the Queens of rock?! Of coarse she doesn't, she just 15 duh. Back to where I'm slightly resembeling my mother, I can remember her listening to music way back when & I would just roll my eyes & snicker,or sigh because I just hated it. She would give me what for,then try to convince me of how great whatever she was listening to was -I never got it. Well, I just sat KT down and attempted to explain the diff between the classics & the junk they play today on secular radio & I stoppped cold in my tracks. I distincly recall as I sat time after time w/ mother pushing her ideas on me that I would never do that or make my kids do chores, I'd let them drive @ 15,stay out half the night, sleep half the weekend away, watch whatever they wanted to on tv, make out w/ their boyfriend on the couch while my rich, investment banker, model husband & I sat holding hands, looking lovengly into eachothers eyes as he carressed my - uh, oh sorry, I digress...Where was I, oh yes ,well I once again recommit myself to not cramming my ideas down their throats! Ok ,the girls have just been asked to go and get the record player set up so I'm off to dig out my reo speedwagon, pat benitar & rickspringfield lp's! I'm sure they'll luv it! What bands do you still rock out to, come on, you know you do! - Oh and this is a SHOUT OUT to the Lurkers, you know that I KNOW THAT YOU KNOW who you are- Care to break free and leave a little comment? Till next time! LA
We grew up listening to our parents music, but actually liked it. My mom listened to everything from Patsy Cline to C&C Music Factory to Reba and back around to Run DMC! I think thats where I get my funky taste in music ;)
Thanks for the comment!
I love your blog!
Please, please tell me that it was the video of Steve walking on a treadmill with a wind machine blowing at her. I can't ever get enough of that specticle. Also? Hubby took that celebrity look alike thing on myheritage.com....Stevie Nicks was one of his look alikes. True story.
You know I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Where can I find her, a woman like that? Oh sorry, I was just dreaming! I love the old music, think I'll go pull out my oldies and take a listen.
Hey, I haven't been busy doing anything important..lol..just entering over 1,000 giveaways! I know I should do better things with my time! I love that pic, she's so beautiful, with the "look" and all!
Well I still listen to the oldies as people call them. CCR, Van Morrison, Bonnie Rait,
Pink floyd,Bob Seger plus many more.
Kait is so beautiful.
Yes we always claim that we won't be like our Mothers but it does creep out here and there.
Oh that's too funny and I love the pic - classic!! I can say that I've HEARD of Stevie...but never listened to her. I am a child of the 80's, sad, but true.
I told my hubby that we CANNOT - UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES tell our kids that there were no personal computers until we were like in 5th grade. Seriously - they'd think we were fossils.
How funny is that - is that your daughter in the pic? Yes the bad news is we all turn into our mothers. And with that knowledge you can just smile to yourself knowing something your daughter doesnt quite know yet.
As for Stevie I so love Stevie - she has still got it going on, although she is 60 - so to a 15 year old she is pretty ancient....
Thanks for dropping by because I got the chance to come and visit. How could I not like a blog owned by someone who LOVES Stevie Nicks as much as I do? I will add you to my list! Happy Halloween - oh I wish she celebrated that in OZ - a real excuse for eating candy!
I'm loving all your choices! I love classic rock and 80's stuff too---the rock, the pop--GOOD stuff!
Okay then! This is a great post. And I don't care what anyone says, the music of the late seventies and eighties absolutely rocked!
My faves in no particular order:
Def Leppard
REo Speedwagon
Motley Crue
Van Halen
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Eric Clapton/Cream
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Pink Floyd
Charlie Daniels
The Eagles
Tom Petty
Wow.......better stop there...and that didn't even include the top 40 like the bangles and Madonna, U2, UB40 etc, etc, etc.
As far as our kids go, OUR music IS better than 90% of what is put out today. Point set match!
I am still not old (convincing myself)
Thanks for the sweet comment! And your post was hilarious. My husband has been a youth pastor for 11 years and we get stuff kinda like this all the time! Our girls are still too young to make us feel old about music but E.T. came on tv a while back and I told Kennedy that I was about her age when my parents took me to the theater to see it...her response went like this~"So it's gonna be in black and white, right?"
Have a great weekend!
Oh I love this post!
I remember my Mother smoking dope and listening to John Denver, but my Father, the normal one would say those words to me ALL the time.
"Just come sit here with me and listen, this is real music..."
This is what kills me.
When my eight year old hears AC/DC or Areosmith and says, "hey Mom, you've got to hear this great new song"
I just roll with it and say to him, "humph, you call that music....."
thanks for visiting my page! and I've enjoyed reading some of your latest posts. I am a lover of anything Rod Stewart!! Graduating in '73 anything that takes me back to those days rocks the house :)
I'm not gonna lie....I have Def Leppard and REO Speedwagon CD's that I pull out every so often....and get all warm and fuzzy when I hear Richard Marx (my first concert!).
You are making me SO look forward to the teen years ;)
Hi McAllen. Nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting me and leaving me some love. Cute blog and I'll be back!
I totally have Stevie on the ipod...how's that for mixing old with new? I actually just listened to Leather and Lace. I like the Eagles too.
I remember listening to Nat King Cole and stuff of that era...my mom said I didn't know what I was missing. Yeah ok...
I don't even try with my kids. I know they'll never get REAL music lol. I still do a little jammin to Arrowsmith...sad part is all the groups we loved ARE STILL PLAYING...bunch of old grandpas now but they're still at it!
No matter how hard we try,
we always become our mothers.
Hey, thanks for stopping by & commenting.
I'll be back!
My mom and dad always listened to Classic Country and I still like it today. I like Patsy Cline, Jim Reeves, all of the old timers. It's not my favorite music (i.e. Foo Fighters, Maroon 5, etc.), but I like it :) I guess our parents rub off on us just a little! I know all about lurkers - my blog is full of them too :)
Love your blog! too cute! I will definately be back!
PS thanks for comments...thank you thank you thank you!
That's so funny. I liked my parents' music, until I discoved the New Kids on the Block. Oh what was wrong with my brain?!! I did, however, come to my senses and get back to my roots. My mom listened to classic country like Reba and Patsy Kline and my dad listened to great cassic rock. I still love Stevie and think that music is timeless. I hope they got it after you broke out the record player!
Omg..that was so funny...so did you marry that hot investment broker?? haha
Cracking up over here! I'm a HUGE Stevie Nicks fan...love the old stuff! Great picture!!!
That totally reminds me of the time a friend and I were watching this Michael Jackson special and rockin out to his old music and The Jackson Five hits and my kids came in the room and asked who that was.....WHAT they didn't know who he was. But then I got to thinking that maybe that wasn't such a bad thing. Except his old music was the best. :-)
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