Soooo, its that time of the year again when I start to hearing grumblings from the girls,about going somewhere and paying good money to get the poop scared out of them.(and 15 of their closest friends). Here in T town theres this thing called "Nightmare" that a huge church puts on and its so terrifying that you have to sign a wavier and cannot be under 12. ( The things that this church does are like scenes to scare kids straight, like of the crucifixion , a realistic experience of what hell is going to be like, the loss of someone you love who isnt saved, ect...) Last year 2 girls accepted the Lord and died on their way back to Tx. Its a real out reach)
Now all of that terrifying stuff makes me certain that this isnt the place for me, but to the girls it just sounds like the perfect invitation!!
Here they sat with me not 20 minutes ago "researching" on line @ all the different places
we can go to be terrified --what do we happen upon but a place so scary that this fella literally
Ok, I took it off, I just can't show it here...
But I will put this link w/ three strapping men going through, Just funny, not Scary!!
(If you do look, I want to hear your reactions... ;)
The girls have asked that their friends bring some Depends with them and also some wipies!!
( you can't ever be to prepared!!!)
I truely dont get it, I mean I was a kid once not so very long ago and dont remember that being important to me. Sooo, I guess we are doing it. The plan has been hatched and all the call's to the other victims, I mean friends, have been made. I wish I could say that on friday I will post a video or at the very least pics, but alas, I am a fraidy cat ( I guess thats a horrible thing to be called , because every time they say it they point at me and laugh). However I will report back with juicy details!! I also would love to hear what experiences you have had and if there was ever a time when you were driven by terror to nearly poop your pants.... Reporting to you live on the scene, near Tulsa Oklahoma , its "Fraidy Cat Allen"sighning out,( till next time...... )
i am too chicken to go to those places!!! not for me! i will be content with your account :) have a good time, and don't get none on ya!
No way-I hate scary stuff!! Jurassic Park is as scary as it gets for me!
Ooooh! I can't do that stuff because I am a big baby! Have fun? LOL!
Oh there is NO way I could do it! I HATE haunted houses! When I was in the 8th grade our church did a haunted house and my Dad's BF was a dead guy with guts coming out of his stomach laying in a coffin. Well when I came by he grabbed me and pulled me on top of him just to scare me. I did pee my pants but not poop! I haven't liked them since. I have gone to a few more, but I refuse to scare myself that way any more.
I've never poopep, but I HAVE peed my pants at a haunted house. Yeah, my ride home was wet and itchy. Yuckers.
Oh, I am so not a fan of scaring myself like that... why put myself in a place to be scared. I don't get it either. I don't even like scary movies!! Hope you make it through ok.
Thanks so much for visiting our blog, :) You have a precious family!
I sincerely hope that my girls have no desire to be scared out of their wits! Right now, one of our girls is scared of the vacuum cleaner, so there's hope for us yet! :)
I really don't like scary stuff, and would never put myself through that. I don't understand why a church would do a haunted house when the true meaning of halloween in not good.
Its an outreach for the older kids in this community. Its realistic scenes about Jesus's crusifixion, death and hell... It seems to really leave an impression, some of the kids were talking about it last year and said that it changed their lives... I dont believe in messing with haunted houses or any of the halloween stuff, my kids dont even trick or treat, we go to the fall fest... good times!! :)
Hi Leah,
Thank you so much for the kind, encouraging words you wrote on my blog.
Erin in CO
I don’t like the thrills of being scared – I can’t watch movies that keep you on the edge so I sure don’t want to go some place that I KNOW they are going to scare me. Hey, I’m 51 and if I have a heart attack I want it due to my love of ice cream – not that I let someone spook me! My daughter use to love those things when she was a teen – must just be a “young” thing.
No way, no how....not me! TOOO chicken!!!
Nope. Can't do it. Scary movies are one thing but haunted houses are just too real!
I don't know how it got in but we don't hear it today! THANK GOODNESS!!
Hey, I'm not gonna poke fun atcha for bein' a fraidy cat! My hubby grew up on scarey movies and the like, but I still refuse to watch them with him...much less go to a scarey haunted house type thing!
Oh brother go read the comment that someone by the name of MissLippy left me on the Obama complaint. Then go look at her website. Some of her posts makes me scratch my head in wonderment that she is a Highschool teacher!!
HI! Isn't the church thing called Hell's House or Scared Straight? My son has been to one. I've heard that it has really brought lots of people mainly kids to the Lord. I think it's a good thing.
Now on the other haunted stuff..love it. I'm scared of the dark but love being scared..what does that mean? tee hee Weirdo!
I peed my pants last year on a haunted hayride!!!
I'm curious to see your reaction...I don't like scary stuff, either.
so do you know where enid is????do you know lisa who is a retired policewoman from enid...do you do trick or treating by the trunk back there????you know go to a ward house and treat out of everyones trunk...i know you know debbie....i know debbies...she is cool
I can watch all the horror movies in the world, but when it comes to haunted houses? I'm a huge chicken!
i hate being scared. when i'm forced to watch scary movies, i usually sit curled up, with a pillow covering half of my face (as if that would protect me...). haven't pooped my pants yet though. knock on wood. :)
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