Originally uploaded by LA'S DAZE
I was going through pics on my phone and found this. Im looking so much old er lately. My dad was here last week and I heard him tell big A that I look like my mother. She's beautiful, but I have no desire to look like her. Would it bother you if someone told you you look like your mom?.People all the time tell my girls they look like me, they roll their eyes as if to say " lady, your smokin crack" I dont blame them, look at those bags. I think not wanting to resemble your mom is universal. I had lost over 100 pounds on atkins a few years back, but I have gained most of it back. I'm starting to have the desire to try and loose it again. I didnt have the desire until now to really commit, I have a husband who sits beside me in bed at 11 pm and eats a corndog and chips ( he is literally here right now beside me eatin that!!!!) When you are trying to loose weight if your husband eats junk and snacks all the time do you feel unsupported or get upset? I sometimes do, I think I feel that he is undermining me and not appreaciating my struggle. I know it isnt his fault, its just so difficult to not think about food when someone is smacking on popcorn right beside you. That was a real struggle for us when I lost all the weight. He never really did get it. Are any of you to the point where your realllly ready to commit? If so what are you doing or going to do to loose? Do you need a buddy to support, encourage or kick ya in the butt?? Please share with me your thoughts.. L A
i was just thinking that the other day...maybe it's the time of year. i think you look fab in the pic. let's face it...with both of us having 4 girls, there's a little bit of hormones in the house...and that means lack of sleep and drama...you know they save the drama for their mama!
as for the weight loss thing..i'm just ticked off at myself after baby #4...an actual pregnancy, by the way. i don't look like me anymore...and although hubby is more than awesome at support, he looks at the gym and loses 10 pounds and doesn't even need to, so that's hard.
Hi! You stoped by my blog earlier (everydayoccasions) and I wanted to return the goodwill.
I'm so used to hearing people say that I look like my mom that it doesn't even faze me anymore. I'd rather hear that than some of the other things I've had said to me over the years!
The Hubs is in the military so he has to watch his diet...kinda. He does have a serious weakness for sweets, though. Between him bringing junk in the house and my being prego, I don't stand a chance, Honey!!
I think you are beautiful, no matter who you look like. I guess I look like my Mom also, but thats alright, as she is in her 60's and looks great for her age.
Yes I struggle on my weight loss also, and have been going to the gym and trying hard to control my portions. So days it works and some it doesn't. I don't get tons of support from Hubby, but I pray all the time.
Good luck to you in the weight loss journey if that's the path you are ready to take.
I Love you
I totally agree!! ... on both issues... I never liked being told I look like my mom, even when I was little... and it's not that she's not pretty either, I just didn't like it. But I think it means more of features... not actually looking like the person. And for a husband that eats all kinds of junk while you're trying to eat healthy, that hard!! My husband would usually try to eat away from me, but it's still hard because it didn't always happen. Good luck on your journey though!!!! Hope you can do all that you want to! :)
People tell me I look like my mom all the time and I know it's true, but then I'm like you. She's beautiful, but I don't want to look like her!
I look nothing like my mother, and I get that all the time! LOL. But I would have to say I wouldn't want people saying I look like my mother, LOL. I'm in total agreement with you. LOL
Oh Yeah I hear ya hun I say we lose it together call me you have the # and lets do it together I have about 50lbs to lose... As for looking like a parents yes carbon copy of my father it drives me crazy!
I think generally it's just a self control issue. Having friends that will do a diet with you or at least encourage you always helps, but staying on the wagon is hard regardless of who's got your back. I am doing South Beach (albeit sporatically these days) but I believe that God gives us a spirit of self control so PRAY about it. God can be the best support you'll ever get.
Geez, I think you are beautiful!! I only wished I looked like my mom. She's 73 and looks 55. She is trim & slim and has awesome skin. I got the paternal genes from my Dad and totally resemble that side of the family. Short, fat & dumpy. As far as weight loss , I know you know of my recent medical find. I have no choice but to drop the weight. I am trying to do the no fat thing as I did lose 80lbs before on that. The only thing I am restricted on is fat content. 20grms a day. (that is sooo little) that and now sodium content. Cant have that with the hbp. I'll let ya know how it's going..
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