Originally uploaded by LA'S DAZE
Your not even gonna believe this...So last night at 10:30 I took Chels ( lil one in green) with me to go pick up Kait from baby sitting. On the way home they started asking me questons about cerfew.I told them I thought that it was 11pm. Then they started just grilling me about "how old they have to be to stay out late with friends"?. And, "what about with a boy?", "what might happen if they were caught out after 11?"...( ganging up! Honestly, I felt very threatened) I told them that I would simply tell the police that they were supposed to be home half an hour ago, to just go ahead and take them to jail. (I'm just thinking of their safety, we all know that nothing good happens after 10pm, and at least in jail they would be safe) Well, then they just started attacking me.. Threatnening that 'When I'm to old to wipe my own butt and cant remember my name or where I live, that if lil P doesnt want me, they are going to lock me away in some home, somewhere out of state, and that after a few months, they will just "forget" to make the payments on my care, change their phone numbers and return all mail sent to them from the institution that they throw me away in"..At that point as I'm sobbing and cowering,I then innocently might have mentioned that "If they even say that out loud again, or even think it, that when they have children, they will come home from date night and might possibly find their child duct taped in the closet" ... Now I know that sounds harsh,I truly feel that I reacted like people in circumstances where they fear that their very life is being threatened react.. I've barely slep at all, and now every time they walk by me they act like they are wiping,and giving me very little reason to believe that isnt exactly what they plan to do... Therefore, I have decided that they must be delt with -which brings me to the reason for this post... I am now offering 3 teen girls( preferably to be sold seperately, do to ovbious reasons...) up for sale.. They are good kids,very loving and kind, not a mean bone in their bodies, hard working, very clean, and very obediant... I'll start the bidding at $5.00 right .......... Now. If you act within the ext hour I'll even throw in a male cat that has become attached to them for some strange reason... Thank you and I look foreward to doing buisness with you all very kind and wonderful people... L A
Not that they ain't adorable....but freaking heck no!!! you'd have to PAY me to re-do the teen years with girls. I shudder at the thought! But I did get a great laugh from this post!
HaHa! Being a former teen girl myself, no way! I was of the sulky, moody variety. Sorry mom:)
hmmm I'll pass also, haven't had a teenager for 2 years now and I'm enjoying it.
I am sooooo passing! God didn't give me girls for a reason!!!!
Oh No I did my time with 3 teen girls myself, guess you are stuck with them......haha
As for them being mean to you, just whip out the old naked baby pictures and start showing them to all their friends who come in the door......haha
Uhm, I'm gonna have to pass. Birthing a child scares the bejebes outta me, I can't imagine teenagers *shudders* hehe
If it weren't half past midnight, I would call my mom right now and apologize for all the times I used the "old folks home" bit on her and my dad when I was a teenage girl! My little boy just started talking, and over the past week or so I've already spotted a little glimpse of "baby" attitude... Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! I'll definitely be back to see you again.:)
Thanks so much for the sweet comment about the 3Day! It was such a wonderful experience! so hard, but so rewarding. In Atlanta, we raised over $8 million for Susan G. Komen! Woohoo! Thanks for stopping by! Will pray for your family. Our God is great!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! :) I'm glad you did. You are hysterical and I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts. BTW, I'm going to have 4 teenagers all at ONCE one of these days. I'm already praying about it. LOL Ang
LOL i still threaten my mom with the same things, putting her in a nursing home, etc. I cannot imagine having 3 teen girls under the same roof!
i couldn't handle three teenaged girls, but i will put a bid on your kitty. :)
You’re going to have to find a much bigger “prize” for your package! I’m pretty sure you won’t find any takers for this. This is the funniest post I’ve read all morning!!
Woah, I've got one girl so far and I'm NOT even close to ready for the teen years. I'm sure that'll come before I can even blink again... or maybe this next blink... ok, soon enough! LOL :)
Wow, they sure can gang up on you. Threatening to withhold your long term care? That's brutal. If they babysit, I'll think about making an offer but if not, no way!
Poor lil P, see the look on her face, hatsOH because she has just realizd that she is the one stuck changing my diaper... AND OHHHH, I nearly forgot, thank you Casey, they do Baby Sit for very little pay!!!!!!!
Oh wow sounds lik my house....i kid i kid i a the one who promises straight jackets to the beans...
oh could I say something and NOT upset you? could I help you with line breaks? so everything isnt one big long run on sentence? I enjoy reading your blog but i need a breath inbetween words...I'd be so happy to help if you need it?
I hope this doesnt upset you...it's not meant too....
amen sista! ok, your blog pic about the results of sin.....hill-arious!!!!! cracked me up! love ya!
Well hun since i have 4 girls already and am dreading the teen years that are soon to be with me I can't help you out lol. I know I used that same thing on my parents a as a teen lol. You made me laugh tho good luck!! Love ya!
Are you kidding...your three girls with my three boys....no way, but you, my dear, can come any time (just keep the kiddos home...hee hee)
Um... I don't think you had any takers... wondering if anyone is up for a couple teen boys!! I have some over at my place, I'd like so sell some days!
I am the oldest of 4 girls... you don't want to know where we have been in the past 36 years!!
The babysitting makes it tempting...but I have my hands full with these three here. Good luck girl!
You are cracking me up! Hey I need some teenagers to do some babysitting around my house, so I'll bid! LOL!
Love ya but I'll just wait on my own girl to become a stark raving mad teenager *wink and a smile*
I'm staring to be happy that I only have a boy. I remember what a pill I was as a teenager. I'm sure my mom wanted to sell me off too. Luckily I grew out of it...they all do grow out of it don't they? Thanks for stopping by my blog. I was ticked that I missed out of the football game, but seriously if you knew how much she calls me, you'd ignore the calls too!
Um,.... while it's an enticing offer from a babysitting stand point, it's not worth it.
I remember what I was like... ugh.
hhhmmmm...teenage hormanes AND a nasty...i mean male cat. how can I refuse? =) haha
oooOOOOoo...makes me fear for the teen years!! (although she already is little miss 'tude!!)
Hahahaha! Teenagers!
We had my DH's half sis visit this summer: check out this post from my blog-you'll appreciate it!
Hahaha! I pray that I do not have girls for this very reason...
You're funny. I'm not here to make an offer on your adorable kids...I've got two of my own and I'll patiently wait for the teenage years to arrive....although do they babysit?! Maybe I will take you up on it afterall?!
that is hilarious!! Sounds like they have your "buttons" figured out!!! HEEHEE ! They are soooo big and all sooo beautiful!! I'm certain your have nothing to worry about!!
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