You have new Picture Mail!
Originally uploaded by LA'S DAZE
Well, let me catch my faithful readers and non repliers( you know who you are!!) up with what has been happening in our little corner of NE Ok. My precious peepod Peyton turned 7 yesterday,and omgoooooodness was it a wierd day. I know I may be the only one in the world that feel'sthis way but I'm in no hurry to see my girls grow up....And in October we happen to have three of our babies turn another year older. The twins will be 14 on Sunday and we have instituted a 'no birthday talk' rule until the week of your birthday, so guess what I have been hearing about nonnnnnn stop for the past 3 days. We also made a rule that we wouldn't have big b-day parties cept on their 6th, 13th, 16th and18th b-day's. So we have heard grumblings about how rough they have it because we dont love them enough to show it with a party to celebrate how important they are, bah blah blah. I'm not falling for it. This weekend we are Wichita with Kait and the NOAH Jags vball team. This is their first year playing together and they have done really well. We played 2 games tonight and 3 tomorrow. During the last game Kait rolled her ankle and heard it pop, dropped to the ground and had to be carried off the court. We bandaged it and iced it until we got her back to the room. I've checked it out and it looks pretty good, a little swollen but not real bruised looking. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness!!!I just love watching her find her passion and as a home schooled girl in this era there are so many avenues available that wernt even an option 10 years ago. Its really exciting. I know other mothers struggle with their decision to home school, but I never waiver, I love it, know I was born to do it!!There is somthing so powerful in finding what you were created to do, and when I have days where I'm in a funk or the girls think they are smarter than I or it's a struggle to get them to focus (more often here lately) I just hang my hat on the promises of God. He will never leave me, He makes the Sun to shine upon me, He delights in me, I am chosen, my children and their children have been set free from the bondage of perfectionism and insecurities because of the love and desire that God has for them that has absolutely nothing to do with how well they do, how good they look or how perfect they act. He is love!! Forgive me if I seem a little distracted, I'm sitting here listening to 3 teen girls giggle and chit chat about how complicated their lives are , I cant help but smile.... They have noooo idea!!! On that note my hubby is ready for some attention so I must bid you adue' but I will check back as time permits! Till next time, LA
Yay for a current family picture!! Thanks for the reminder to "hang my hat on the promises of God." Awesome!
Wow great family pic! Glad Kaits ankle is not bad.
Love the family picture, everyone looks great. Glad Kait's ankle is alright. Thank you for the reminder to rely on God more that he is in control.
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