Hellllooooo Peeps!! Well, we had an interesting week @ my in laws in Michigan for CHRISTmas... We ended up taking the girls cell's the 2nd day we were there so that we might get the chance to actually visit and see the whites of their eyes... ( Let me just say that it was touch and go for quite some time after that) then they started coming around, thank the good Lord, I was thinking about fleeing during the night!!
This the the girlz & Gabe (cousin)

I Think Chels is set to slam big A here and Kait is reloading ... Good times!!
One thing that they look foreword to for the entire year (not) is that we always take them sit on santy's lap ( yes, I know they are 15 and 14, and??) 

Don't they just look thrilled?? :)
We also got to see my baby twin Nephews.
Chels holding lil C
Isnt he a doll!!!
We barely survived a category 5 stomach flu, poor lil P was down for 3 days!!!
She missed out on a sleepover, a party and riding the snow machine thingie...
Poor baby...
We left yesterday morning & on the drive I thought I'd share with you a few things that we saw... We always pass this house size chicken,
Isn't it great? I knew just you'd agree & well, I want it!!!
Then we stopped in Indy to see my bff whom I have known for 8 years. Believe it or not, I can seriously tell her anything. I get so much great advice & Godly wisdom from her!! She has never betrayed me, thrown me under the bus, tried to steal my man, stabbed me in the back, told lies or rumors or owed me money... (so rare these days , I know)
All in all it was a great trip...
Except for ... Wait for it......
As soon as we left Indy big A started feeling chills , bad gas pains and terrible nausea... Yep, you guessed it- Category 6 .....
We drove straight through, 15 hours & arrived back in Oklahoma this morning @ 3 am. He has yet to venture out from our room, & naturally has needed my assistance for various things that I am trying to block from my minds eye, & therefore shall not discuss here ( I'm sure you are sooooo thankful as you sit there all great feeling and un-gassy!!...)
Unfortunately,as I sit here, I feel my stomach kinda twisting and stabbing a teensy bit... Eakkkk, I dont want it!!! -I better not breathe on you!!!
Sooooooo I may, or may not be back on tomorrow... Stay tuned to find out.
I am just sooooo happy to be back amongst my bloggy Bff's...
Seriously missed you lotttts!!
Oh & please, say a prayer ;) ♥LA
So sorry to hear about the stomach flu. Yuck,. We thought we might have it over Christmas too, because Stuntman threw up one night, but noone else got it, so we are saying it was just something he ate. Thank God for us. Saying a prayer you don't get it. Glad you got to see your BFF. That must have been so nice. Where in Michigan were you? We live in Michigan.
Ok before you get the Category 6 you have got to go look back at my posts and see what Santa Brought!!!!!
I really hope you don't get the Category 6 :[
Hope the stomach bug stays away from you...Loved the snow pics...Wish we had a little in east TN...Glad you had a great Christmas!
uh oh!! im so glad that you all had such a good time! but i really hope you dont get the stomach flu!! yucky!
Yuck is right! So sorry to hear that it was a category 6 that he had hopefully he is feeling better!
SOunds like you all had a wonderful Christmas!
So glad you had a great time. Loved all the photos. Yuck, on the flu front. Hope it leaves your home soon.
Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas. I love the pictures of the kids playing in the snow. That is always fun! I hope everyone is feeling better soon!
Hey Sistah! Where in Indy were you? That's where we're from and where Keli and lots of your other bloggy peeps live.
Hey, I finished Midnight Sun! Can't wait until she finishes it!!
Love the chicken and have missed you. Glad you're home safe and sound. Sorry Big A's sick though. Prayin' it stays away from you.
Love ya! Ang
So sorry about all the stomach funk going around! I know how it is and it goes from one to another! Yuck!! I hope you don't get it!! I love the pic with Santa!! I also love the snow pics, since we don't see any here! We have temps in the 70's instead in December! LOl! Which is nice, but I'd still love to see some snow! I'm glad you had a good trip, minus the Lil P and her stomach issues! I'm glad your back and I'm enjoying my gifts from my secret santa! Love ya!!! Jen
UH OH...I hope you escape getting it! But at least it held off long enough so you could enjoy your trip! It looks like you had a good time.
I need that big ole chicken for my front yard..I really need smething tacky to piss my neighbor off with..haha
You were not in INDY! And we sent texts to each other and you never mentioned it! Some friend! I'm here in INDY! We could have hooked up! Ok, I won't yell at you anymore. : (
Sorry Big A's sick, I pray that you don't get it and it looks like you had a great time! xo Keli
Sorry that big A is sick and hope that category 6 passes right by you and the rest of the family. I'm sending big prayers that way.
Glad you had a good time and a wonderful Christmas.
I loved our convo on the phone yesterday, hard to believe but we talked for 77 minutes according to my phone. I Love you and am so thankful for our friendship.
Oh and Yes i would love that big chicken in my yard....LOL
I'm kinda new and stopped by to say "Hi"! Did I read that you live in Okla? I have lived in Okla my entire life, until 5 years ago. Now I'm a Louisiana girl...I hear ya about the texting!! Our youngest daughter is 14 and I think she even showers with that darn phone!
Nice to meet you!
Sounds like a great trip - sorry to hear you were sick. Hope you are feeling better.
That chicken is hysterical! I wonder what my homeowner's association would think......
Anyway, I hope you don't have to ring in the new year being all sick!
Hmmm...not sure if my last comment worked so trying again.
Hey, just noticed you're an Esme, too! ;)
Happy New Year from the Crumbs!!
great pics!
happy new year!
Oh no! I hope you are all feeling better!!!
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