Well girl's & boy's, it is now 2 days till CHRISTmas!! We are in Michigan & in the past 3 days have had 16 inches fall-OH YEAH!!!
The girls get so close on our trip's, they are just so loving & charitable to one another, & just mankind in general... (NOT)
But boy ain't they cute!!!

We drive like 14 hours to get here, & make a few key stops to purchase what is refered to ( in my circle) as a life sustainin beverage!!
Jealous, huh?????

Lil P has 2 cousins here that are her same age, we havn't seen much of her since she got here. When we do see them, we can't really tell who is who, I think this is her, but I couldn't swear to it!!!
I would loveeee to see some of your wonderful winter wonderland pic's/ Hmmm a MEME perchance??? :)
Ok, we'll I am off to have some chinese in a local German restaraunt here, so I hope you are all having a wonderful evening ...
**LYLAS ( & for Goodfather, LYLAB ;) - If you dont know what this means, ask & I'll share it with ya, it might also be fun to hear what you think it means, hehehehe....
Ohhhhhhh yes, & love hookin up with all of you on Facebook!!!
♥ LA
Looks like fun! I hate snow and winter! But love me some Starbucks!! Will you share? Would that be Love Ya Like a Sis and Love Ya Like a Bro? And where is my text????? I sent you my digits missy! xo Keli
So glad you're having snow! I wish it would snow here...but just for Christmas day and then I'm ready for spring!!! Merry Christmas to you my sweet friend. Love ya!!! Ang
Looks like a fun car ride. I hate to travel...but with the proper drink...AKA starbucks...I might make it:) We are in Michigan, so enjoying the same weather:) Have a blessed Christmas!
Yes I am jealous! I would love a Starbucks right about now! I tried to find you on facebook and don´t know if I added the right L. Allen. So if not, I´ll try again!
Merry Christmas!!
I'm so jealous of all that snow! All we got is a dreary cold rain:(
How fun to have soo much snow over Christmas! Enjoy!
Looks like a great time I hope you took a coat and something besides flip flops this time.
What is your favorite drink from Satrbucks?
I got mail from you and all I can say is I'm so blessed by your friendship.
I Love you!
Looks like you're having a blast! A white Christmas! What a blessing! I can taste the Starbucks! YUMS!!!
Have a wonderful week, my friend!! And oh, thanks so much for the sweet comment! We are totally stoked!!!
Love ya!
ok. well...
I've never seen that much snow in real life. The trials and tribulations of living at the beach...ha ha.
have lots of fun and be careful!
Merry Christmas :)
Ahhh! I'm so jealous!!! We NEVER get snow!! Dang it!!! I need to come visit you so I'll see some! LOl! Don't be mad, but I had to open the box, because my mom's Christmas present was in there, remember?! I'm sorry!! But if it helps, I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED everything in it!!! I was so excited!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Love ya girl!! Jen
Hey thanks for the # I will call during the week love the blog!!!! Now that it is working for me have a safe Healthy & Happy Christmas God Bless your Family
Sounds like fun (minus the road trip to get there part).
facebook! Find me! alicia dougherty
I Loved talking to you last night, it made my whole day.
I Love you and have a Blessed Christmas.
We're having a white Christmas here too, although it's rare for us here in Seattle, heheh.
Great pics - I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
Thanks for coming by and visiting my blog. I love new friends. The snow looks lovely. Not having a winter wonderland here in NC. It's 50 degrees and raining. Enjoy your time with your family.
Merry Christmas!
Have a very Merry Christmas! Enjoy that snow - it was almost 60 here in good ole Alabama.
Merry Christmas. I'm a tad bit jealous of all the snow though! enjoy your trip.
Some of our Family is in WI and the kids want to be there so bad!! Too warm in NC. Hope your trip home is safe. Looking forward to another fun year of blogging with you. :)
Hope you had a very Merry Christmas. Chinese food at a German restaurant sounds very interesting.
I was in MI myself for Christmas. Drove up on the 24th so missed the snow falling but loved the scenary. COLD!! :)
By the way, your Lil P looks too much like you to mistake her identity. :) She is darling.
looks like you are having agreat christmas break! Ur daughters are just soo stinking cute.. also... love the picture in the post below of the girls... soo presh!
German Chinese food!! Now that's a new one!
I hope your holiday was spectacular!
Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!
I live in Indiana... and have some friends that went up to Michigan for Christmas and they told us about all the snow... ridiculous.
I am not a fan, myself... but I still live with it. :) I just wish we could get that much here and have a snow day? That would be fab. :)
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