Hey Ya'll- First I want to say that the song your hearing (if your speakers are on) is a song from the Best Movie Of All TIME ( in my humble opinion, naturally)and although the lyrics sound abrasive, I assure , its perfectly harmless, just about love an all ... For those of you that have seen Twilight, this is the song playing during the baseball scene, ( sweet Edward...) If you havn't seen it, please do, see what all the fuss is about, then report back and let me know!! !! ;) And if this song is just to rowdy for ya, simply click on my music player to the next one, Bella's lullaby- Very Beautiful and also from the movie, I wont be offended a tall ;)
Now onto Buisness...Hows everyone's Wednesday? I was JUST now able get on here because Kait finished school & I thought that since the Cullens are talking over their lunch, (sort of!!) I thought I'd share with you some of our thanksgivin lunch Pics!!

i love this song...have you listened to the soundtrack? Rob Pattinson (aka Edward Cullen) haha has two songs on it that are in the movie. Plus they also have Bella's Lullaby which is beautiful.
I totally have to see this movie now. I keep saying that...someone get me to the MJR. Gotta know what everyone is so hyped about. :)
Just bought the book tonight! I'm afraid to start it because I'm afraid i won't be able to put it down and I have SO much I need to be doing around here....ugh! Love this song!!! Hugs to you!!! Ang
Love the movie..Love the books! Love EDWARD!!! hee hee Oh, and LOVE the soundtrack!!! xo Keli
Looks like everyone is having a great time. Don't you just love the Holiday's? I wish people could just keep the spirt all year.
Oh my, everyone I know is in love with that Edward. I need to get with the program here.
I have heard all the fuss about this movie, but yet had time to view it...maybe I'll get a chance over the Christmas Holiday break...
OH I'm doing great this Thursday still seeing my double chin and all from the T.G fest LOL, but heck it's worth it to get some pecan pie..Right???
i have not seen twilight yet, but may go this weekend! looks like you had quite a thanksgiving feast :)
I DID like the music in the movie.....
oh my i feel terrible i would run out and get you a new bucket right away if i new that i could use my wand and get it to u righy away laughing any way , thanks for that sweet commenty, i have been learning to do this blogger pages and i love that movie the christmas story heads up cheaper in walmart then target but i love that one part crul i know but it is fun. any way please join me in the hoiliday recipe exchange any recipes that you want to share? it will be fun!!
I am taking your music, K? K :)
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