I gatta tell ya, these Twilight books have taken every second of my free time, I am seriously ( for lack of a better word) addicted...I know, I know, surly not me?!! Well, it was totally unexpected and a wonderful distraction over this long weekend!! Found that Rob Pattinson has a gift aside from his acting, he is also a profound singer/song writer LOOk here.... I have a sincere infatuation with him ( which I have shared with Big A, and he is totally ok with it, hehehe ;) I did manage however to steal away from Twilight ( all 4 books I devoured in 3 days) to go and get our beautiful, fragrant tree and as promised, I have pictures to share with all of you.. I also would like to offer a challenge to all of you to please share all of yours with us too!!! I hope you had a teriffic Thanksgiving!!

oh yes Rob can sing! love the pics your home is beautiful
So beautiful!
Thats a honkin' tree.
I can't do real trees, I sneeze and get all red. Then I look like a crack head and thats never good.
Very very pretty.
Very pretty and presents already too! I haven't read Twilight yet, but I need too after all my fellow bloggers have bragged about it!
Your tree is awesome! Very nice, and complete with presents alrady, heh. I'm planning on posting pics of our tree when we get it. Cool meme idea ;).
Okay, I am almost ready to see what all the hype is about.
Love the tree, beautiful.
Your tree is beautiful. I may have to just go see this movie now.
i am right there with you! i saw the movie on monday...went and bought all the books on tuesday and had all 4 read by the end of the weekend. (fitting two more movie viewings in there) hahaha. needless to say, i am addicted as well.
i was amazed by Rob's singing abilities...i bought the soundtrack as soon as I heard he had two songs on it. haha i love them
oops haha i forgot to tell you the pie...from thanksgiving was my grams homemade chocolate pie (she makes it rarely but it is my fave.)
what part of michigan do you parents live? we've gotten quite a bit of have a white Christmas to look forward to.
Your tree is beautiful, and love seeing pictures of you and the family. I have been wondering where you have been, stuck with your nose in a
My friend and I are going to see the movie Thursday afternoon. I will let you know. Once finals are over at school and I have some free time I will look into the books.
I Love you
Love Bella's Lullabye!
Oh I am so jealous! I just finished book one and the hubby says I have to wait for book 2. And I do share my Christmas tree every wednesday I share a new ornament. I am doing it as a carnival, come join in tomorrow!
I'm a fan too! But I'm still trying to finish the 3rd book! People are taking up to much of my time! I may have to hide somewhere tonight. I'll take my cell - they can call if they need me! LOL!
Your house and tree look beautiful!!! We did ours over the weekend. I need to post about it! xo Keli
I read the books last winter, and #4 in summer, of course. I love them like I was a 16 year old little girl. It's a little silly, but it's true. I was impressed with the movie. I had very low expectations, and it was pretty good. It stuck to the story line very well. And by the end I even thought Robert Pattinson was pretty cute.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I always love new blogging friends.
HI!!!! I missed YOU!!! I'm so glad to be back, though a had a wonderful time away (and giggling with my girls). You SO needed to be there!!!
OK, I haven't read the first book, or seen the movie. I know, I need to get with the program, right? I will.
Your tree is gorgeous. I put ours up before we left for Indy. I will take some pics soon and blog about it. :) xoxoxoxoxox Ang
im addicted to the books too:)
Beautiful tree! It has such a good form to it! There are already presents under it too? Wow!
Hi Leah, So nice to 'meet' you....looks like we have some blog friends in common. Can't wait to snoop around some more. Big Twilight fan here too!
Beautiful tree! And I bow down to you--4 books in 3 days! I just finished the first one over the weekend and can't wait to read the second!
That tree is sure beautiful. Gosh you can read fast - they must be good - I have to go get them now.
Pretty, pretty tree! We're still deckin' the halls at my crib....Holy Rubbermaid Totes, Batman!
Anyway, your praises of the Twilight series was the last straw! I broke down and bought the first book. I'm downright ashamed to admit that I finished it in one day!!
Leah, woohoo! Your tree is beautiful! We have one real one too! Can't get enough of that smell!
I have "the books" too...just haven't started 'em yet. Trying to find a time where I can shut down and just read! I've heard from tons of people that they are consuming!
Hope you are having a great Wednesday!
That's a great tree! We still haven't put ours up, isn't that terrible!! I will get on it, I promise!
Also, just finished re-reading the second book and will start re-reading the third tonight. I'm so embarrassed! I fessed up to my BFF last night and she was like, "our 13 year old baby sitter reads those..." and I'm like "I KNOW!! ME TOO!!!" Ugh.
I love your tree!!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!!
I am almost done with Eclipse. I want to read Breaking Dawn, but I know I will be so sad when I finish it.
Love your tree (oh god I'm totally addicted to your blog now) and I loooove me some Twilight. I'm ashamed, really I am. Ok maybe not.
It's just tooooo good!
B : )
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