While they were away Big A & I had the most wonderful night...
It was just so romantic.
Let me share with you our very special night of bliss!!...
We drank thera flu,passed cough drops back N forth,shared tums..

He even got our small trash can ready for me at a moments notice...
( yes thats the little white thing in his arms)

Isn't he truly wonderful!!
Ahhhh romance!!!
I havn't even been able to re-read (for the 4th time) twilight which as you all know has miriculous powers and can make even the sickest cougar,err I mean girl, feel better... thats when I knew this virus was serious!!!
(Dream Imagine Live) are hanging out right how @ Ang's & didn't even bother to invite any of us... Thats why neither of them are on posting pic's & letting us know how much fun they are having with out us!!. Just thought you should know...
Okay, I'll be back just as soon as I'm feeling better...
I'm feeling a little loopy right now
( PS/ FYI: No, I'm not nekked, I'm in my perfectly acceptable for takin pic's n posting them on my blog-rainblow polka dotted brown tube top dress... Smexy heh?? ;) You know you want it!!!
Oh sounds so romantic.......NOT!
Sorry you are both sick and hope and pray you are well very soon.
I Love you girly.
sorry you are so sick....you do look sexy though!
we live in edmond. we lived in tulsa for a couple of years at 101st and Mingo...but it's been several years now. Most of my really good friends live in Tulsa, so I am up that way pretty often. I always love to read blogs of fellow okies!
at least you kept your sense of humor through it all:-)
HOpe you feel better soon!
oh no, hope you feel better. I'll be following your blog now!
Yes, the medication must be kicking in, cause I have never heard of rainblow polka dots. :)
Awwww!! I hope ya'll are better soon!
Ohhhh, you poor, poor thang you! Girl, I would have to be "crazy sick" before I would post my photo sans makeup. You are one brave, sick soul. And Darn it, you look good without makeup, so you know that means we can never be really GOOD friends. We are destined to be only "superficial" friends forever...And your husband is pitiful setting there feeling awful, letting you take his photo. You guys are the BRAVES people I know. And I hope you're feeling way better today!!
Your night sounds awesome, wow, wish we had done that instead... =)
I hope you guys feel better soon. By the way, I finally asked someone to let me borrow the book. I guess I will be with the program soon...
soo romantic!!!
feel better soon!
Sounds like one sexy night!
Ack, sorry you're sick, and I hope you're both feeling better. Urp and romance don't go together in my book, heheh.
Happy New Year!!
Poor thing! I hope both of you feel better soon.
You sure do know how to ring in a New Year! Yikes...I am feeling so sad for you both. Get better soon & I don't believe you about the tube top dress. LOL
fell better and let me tell you I have read all the twilight books now and seen the movie 5x I am a twilight addict and it is all your fault I had no clue about this till u started and now I am a crazed freak lol Love ya feel better!!
Hope you are feeling better! So, so sorry!
Hey...any guy who will get a can for you to spew in....now that says LOVE!
Wow..sounds like my kinda night! And you do look nekked in that picture missy, I'm not comfortable at all! LOL! And, we are comin' to your neck of the woods next time! Me, Ang, Brandi and Ashley!!! Are you ready???? xo Keli
Sister...you are SO nekked in that pic! You ain't foolin me!! I SOOO hope everyone is feeling better there. That just stinks. :(
Hey, I posted a few pics today. I know, they aren't the same without you in them. Next time? Promise?
Love you...Ang
Oh man. Hope you're feeling better now.
ahhhh... tear... hope you are feeling better soon.... ryan is sick right now with the stomach bug... praying I dont catch it!
Oh no!! I hope you are both feeling better now!
Sounds oh so romantic! Actually oh so HORRIBLE! I hope you get weel very quickly! It's no fun being sick!!
the pictures are hilarious!! haha there is nothing like gettting high off niquil together..haha Hope you are feeling better hun!
The stomach flu is like the plague to me! Im sorry :(
Well I started Twilight... so far so good. (when I have time to read or am not too tired at the end of the day)
Cute new haircut :)
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