Well, I went in to have major work done... On my Hair. I have a gf and she is a hair magician. I liked my hair before, it was short and dark red, nice...but it was my birthday and my friend wanted to add a littl color, spruce it up some... What I am about to show you I'm quite certain will shock and amaze you,so please put down any beverage you might be holding near your computer & step away from any sharp object that could possible impale you should you faint....
Also, you have to promise that what you are about see will not be splashed you tube, or any of the sort, deal?? Okay, here go's......
I tell ya, I even shocked myself at how down right delish I looked....

I want you to look at the expresion of sheer shock on that fellars face as he gazes upon my beauty.....

I tell you right now, I love it, but I just don't know if I could go through that again, let alone put Kelly through it.....
We have laughed at these pic's countless times, & I have had to block that kid in the second pic from callin me wanting to take me to the local mexican place for taco's...
I guess thats the price ya pay for looks like this....
I bet you wish we could hang out huh??
Well, I'm off to check you out, I hope your having a fabulous day!!
♥ LA
Oh I'm so glad I didn't have juice in my mouth......LOL You totally crack me up.
The price we pay to be beautiful in worldly eyes!
Yes I would totally love to hang out with you!
Oh girl...I am peeing my pants. That is hysterical. Not so much the pictures as the commentating from you. Good Lord you are funny! Love the new do too! Awesome and Sassy.
You are so hilarious girl!!! I love the final product though! It looks stunning!! And I would absolutely love to hang out with you even in the before pics..lol!! Love ya girlie!!
You are too funny. I would never let anyone see pictures of me in teh beauty chair, haha!
You my friend are a brave brave woman! The finished product looks great though! :)
There's only certain people who could pull off a cut like that, and you're definitely one of them!!
Very sassy indeed! Plus, you're hilarious!
HaHa! Love it! Dude in the red flannel had me cracking up!
You are too funny! Love your new do!
LOve the hair looks great!
LOL....I came "this" close to having a lesbian moment...whew you were rockin that ...ummm....diaper on your head. But the end result was definitely worth it! GREAT DO!
ROFL! That is just too much.. you are crazy! And yes.. I'm crazy about your hair! Totally cute!
You crack me up... Love the hair, it is my turn tomorrow....
Love it!
Love the hair! I'm in Owasso also! I teach in Tulsa, but we've been living in Owasso for almost 3 years!
Yes your cap is awesome and i must have one!! lol
You know it is worth it for the look you got! Your hair is GREAT!
those pictures are hilarous!! love it!!
Love your hair.. it looks great!
Oh my god.. that killed me... so funny!! I love the cut! You are hot stuff! The fellar in the background was hilarious!
Cute hair! The dude in the background cracked me up.
DELISH, sister!! RAWR!
You crack me up!!!
I love the new look; I still need to go for it and go short...I think I have decided.
You are funny and I loved this post. And you are HOT! The hair looks great! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
There have been many times I've been at the hairdressers when I've thought how hilarious it would be if there was a fire and I had to leave with foil all over my head. Its not pretty at the start but the end result sure makes up for all that stuff on our heads.
Enjoy it! And sounds like you have a great friend.
Haha!!!! That expression is great! The hair turned out wonderful though.... what we go through for beauty!
LOve...love the hair.. and you are soooo damn funny :)!
Oh, you are so funny, and I gotta say I love your hair! :) And, yes, you are a BRAVE woman for posting those pics. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
LMAO You are a braver woman than I am. I would NEVER post pics of me getting my hair done. Considering I'm dying it red now and the dye looks purple on my head. You go you hott momma!
Girl, I see counseling in your feature! You are nuts!!! Love the hair though!!! Love ya! Keli
Oh, I just needed that today! So funny...so proud of you for sharing! Not me baby! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!
I love it!
Wow! This is funny!
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