Okay, what a day!! We are having a major snow/ice storm here In N.E Oklahoma...
At this point we only had a dusting, but now have quite a bit more!!

& thank God we havn't lost power.. Last year we had a bad one & some folx were without power for upwards of 2 weeks. We also lost 5 of our 8 trees( one of the main reasons we chose this house was the yard!)

See that poor lil stump?! ^^^^
Here is a pic of our neighbors house and my rose garden...
At this point we only had a dusting, but now have quite a bit more!!
This year we are just enjoying the shut down of daily life .
The girls have had a ball playing outside

They play so well together, and are so loving and kind..
(no teenagers were hurt during the taking of this pic)
I have just chilaxed here
all nice and cozy in my great room w/ my latte, laptop & a book "The Shack" (If you have not read it, I seriously suggest you do, it is such an inspiring and deeply profound book... ) I'm not quite done with it, but it has really caused me to reverse some of my life long thinking. 10 thumbs up!. ( okay, I know we dont have 10, but if there were 5 of us here, I know you would all include your thumbs in this!!)
Also,I'm not sure if it was my laptop (pleaseeee no) or the cloud & snow cover reaking havoc with my wireless card, but I have attempted to get in here alllll day.. And I'm in, YEA, but I am having the hardest time posting pic's and getting any other windows to pull up...grrr!! I took some of the girls outside today, I hope I get can them on here...
Also,I'm not sure if it was my laptop (pleaseeee no) or the cloud & snow cover reaking havoc with my wireless card, but I have attempted to get in here alllll day.. And I'm in, YEA, but I am having the hardest time posting pic's and getting any other windows to pull up...grrr!! I took some of the girls outside today, I hope I get can them on here...
Oh and this is a "Wordfull Wednesday" Post.. Be Sure to stop by
We're finally getting some icy weather tonight here in Dallas. It's supposed to be pretty bad in the morning.
I am currently reading the Shack too! Though I just started it, I am really enjoying it.
Stay warm and safe!
I have read the shack 2 times now and LOVE it. Glad you are reading it.
Looks like another storm for you, we are suppose to get snow tonight and tomorrow.
Hi! I have missed you. I feel like a bad blog friend...somehow you were not popping up on my update list...so, sorry about that! I just love your great room...looks so cozy...oh, and the snow...I hear you..Im ready for spring!!!
argh to the bad weather
Yucky on the bad weather! Is spring ever going to get here?
I read The Shack a few months ago. I really liked it.
I've got all my fingers & thumbs (?) crossed that you keep your electricity. Hate that darn ice!!
Looooooooookkkkkkks COLD!!!! Stay warm and dry. And safe.
Happy Wordful Wednesday. My entry today is one part cats, and other goodie tidbits from an alphabet challenge. Won't you stop by and say hi?
Would you hold me whilest I cry on your shoulder? "Why?" you might be asking. Because I want it to snow HERE! We live on a big ole hill, we have saucer sleds, we have big winter coats and gloves, we have hot cocoa.....what we don't have....is SNOW! Play some for us. oxooox Ang
Awe I am jealous we never get snow oh well enjoy it! Your dinner sounds wonderful!
Is your coffee table an old door? If it is, I WANT ONE!!!!
hope you don't lose power! i read the Shack a few months ago, and it really caused me to think and it was a good explanation from the author
The snow looks beautiful - we never have snow here in good old Alabama. Just rain.
It kinda looks like that in Indiana right now! No school today and my kiddos are bummed. They are still little enough to like school. Oh btw we had tacos w/ guacamole last night too! Isn't that the craziest?
We are getting lots of snow up here in the mitten as well...no power outages for me yet but I have had to dig my car out of the driveway a couple times :)
Thank goodness for warm homes with power when the weather is like that!
Oh, your great room looks super cozy!!!!!
LOL @ the girls outside on the ground!! Hahah!!
Your girls are too fun wrestling outside! Interesting about your wireless issue because whenever it snows here I have HUGE problems. I wonder why that is.
I sure wish mr. ice would come visit us here in GA! Crazy I know! I mean, I'd much rather have snow! But we'd settle for ice. Just to shut down for a day or two. Oh well, here's hoping!
I'm curious to see how you like The Shack when finished. I haven't read it. My hubs did though months ago and he read it in like a day and a half. He is NOT a reader and he flew through it. But it bothered him too. He felt that theologically it was way off. He was quick to point out that it is a work of fiction. But it really bugged him too that so many people are reading it and may be influenced to view God in an anti-Biblical way. Can't wait to hear your thoughts!
Stay warm and cozy!
I'm an ESME too! ;))
We're getting the same dang ice storm...winter SUCKS and it's good to see sibling love like that lol
I have to almost laugh at the "dusting" of snow :) Very glad you didnt lose power and were able to enjoy your day all warm and cosy :)
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