Kait is growing up- to fast! In the last few months she's started dating, 3 weeks ago she got her driving permit, & now has a job that she started on Friday. WOWEE! Mama not ready... I keep trying to remember what I was like @ that age. How boy crazy I was, how much smarter I was than everyone else. How I was never ever going to be like my mom. When they say those things to me it hurts me so deeply, but I remember feeling those same things... ( I just don't think I ever said it to her face!!! I am however trying to encourage honesty! Ugh...) I know now that God purposes this time in our life to help her grow those wings we all dred, & for me to let out more & more net, but boy is it difficult. I'm so proud of her & the woman she's becoming - I just hope I have taught her everything she will need to know to be the person she was born to be. Love you Kait. I believe in you Kait. I'm always always right here for you Kait. Just turn around.
Leah Allen
--Sent from my Palm Pre
That made me cry!!
I am proud of you both!
Oh wow! I completely know where you are at! It does not feel good when they respond as if they do not want to take anything that you ever taught them into their lives. It hurts like heck. But I remember also feeling the same way as a kid and now I find myself so much like my mom. And I love it and her so much! That stretching of the emotional umbilical cord that we want to keep intact is the hardest thing on a momma. But is so necessary in order for our children to become what God has intended that they become. I just keep praying that God's grace empowers me with the wisdom and the power to let them go and trust Him with them for the rest of their lives. :) He loves them more than I even do. That is hard for me to comprehend but when I consciously recognize that, it makes it a little easier to trust Him.
What a sweet post Leah. My oldest just turned 13 last month--ugh!
I got a failure to deliver e-mail so I am posting to your blog:
My sister is here this week and we may actually go to Naples or Marco
Island beach today. It has been chilly but the kids have enjoyed the pool- while my sister and I have wrapped up in towels watching them.
Did your hubby get transferred? I know there are no BIG industries here in Naples and jos are hard to come by here in Fl.
I am so not looking forward to those years. When I think back to how I was at that age it does not make me excited for what's to come...and those wings! Ugh, I guess it's healthy for them to grow, but my how you want them to stay close to the nest :)
This is precious. I can't imagine this stage, especially knowing what I was like! Hang in there.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I love to see knew faces in the comments. Your passion for your family is contagious!
Poor Mama. I dread those days!
Wow, this is beautiful! You will make it through. You family is indeed a Blessing!
My oldest is 13 and I am really not ready for the whole driving and dating thing...scary! But, I know it will come and I hope I handle it with grace and mercy just as you seem to be doing.
I know...it goes by way to fast...My oldest will be thirteen this summer, and my daughter will be in middle school this fall...I love to see them growing into young men and women, but also wish I could just freeze time....Great Post....
My oldest turned 13 back in Nov. and I got freaked out a little bit. But my story is completely different (I think) because I have boys. Girl I'll pray for you b/c I know how I was at that age and I can only imagine what you're going through! {{Hugs}}
First of all, thank you for visiting me the other day and for commenting! I am a day or so behind but I wanted to come say hello.
The post about your daughter made me think about how I was as a teen too. Back then, I didn't want to be my mother either but today, I'm thankful to be so much like her. My nephew just turned 13 and I'm seeing how much he is changing and I don't like it one bit. Thank goodness I have a few years (about 11 to be exact) to prepare for my own "teen."
I am sooon not ready for all that! My oldest starts Kindergarten next year....Time goes too fast!!!
oh wow, i guess that's how my mom felt when i got a little bit mouthy, huh? your daughter is beautiful and with a mom like you to raise her, she'll go on the right path. it sounds like you have a very happy and healthy home, so be there for her and understand that she loves you too, even if she doesn't always show it. as my mom told me, the fighting was a way of preparing us both for college and me moving out of the nest, and now we're GREAT friends.
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