God pours out His love for us in so many different ways...
Not the least of these are in our "Friendships"....
Isn't girl time good! Last week one of my bestest friends was able to be in town to go to the retreat w/ our church. We all got together & had dinner to love on one another & basically celebrate these friendships. God is teaching me ALOT about boundries & healthy relationships- not an easy lesson... These arn't all of my good friends (& all the pics wernt taken this night). Thankfully, I've got a few & I'm so blessed to have girlz in my life that are going after Gods heart. ( It truly makes all the difference). I want to celebrate all of us "True Blue" girls!! I bet everyone reading this has those friendships in their life~ some may even be kin!. Eather way, Praise the Lord for the love that He is showing you through these precious relationships!! **& to my sweety gf's, I want tell you that I appreaciate you & I'm inspired & blessed by you in so many different ways! I pray for " True Blue girlfriends" for my 4 girls & you & I are who they will model after ;) I pray also that they'll know how to be ones! LYLAS LA
Leah Allen
-- Sent from my Palm Pre
-- Sent from my Palm Pre
Sounds like a blast and that you have some pretty awesome girlfriends. I wish I had a close group of girlfriends like that!
Loved the photos!
The older I get the more I realize just how PRECIOUS GF's are. Great you got to spend some time with yours...Love the song on your Blog!
Love the photos, great girl friends
I am getting ready to do the post for the winner-it has been A CRAZY morning--but guess what ---you are the winner of the lumies.
I will e-mail her with your name and you can contact her (I will have the link to her etsy store on the winner post in a few minutes) and give her your mailing address.
Fun times!! I love it when I get to have "girlfriend time" (had that this weekend).
Have an awesome week!
Hi, Leah! You caught me in the middle of tidying up my post so I thought I'd come on over and say hello! Looks like you have some pretty special galpals. A blessing to see such smiles :)
Good to find you. Your family is beautiful.
thanks for stopping by and saying hello. Love making new friends!
your family is beautiful.
And yes, friends are a true blessing!
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