~First, please go and mute my playlist player, or turn it off on your speaker's, My music rrrreally rox and I want your undevided attention..~
Ok, Hi , welcome back!! Now, I want to share with you why it is that I feel strongly that we as a people need to continue using the Character Verification thing. Let me see if I can perhaps persuade every single one of you to put it on your blogs. (and be sure and tell all your friends). I am one of those people who realize that when something happens to me (even tho I'm still only 39) that it is a sign of things that are bound happen to me in the future.. Such as, sometimes when I am drifting off to sleep, I have a tremor (and lately it's not just when I'm drifting, its also starting to happen when I'm just chilaxin reading Twilight for the 11th time ( it had to be said) , or watching TV. All of the sudden my leg, (or arm) will just spasm , very briefly, just slightly. In that moment, I know, this is just further proof that I am having early signs of Parkinson's... I know, it's Ok, they are making major advances in this disease every day, and with a strong support system ( My Lord & Savior, Hubz, and good insurance) I am determined to make it...In my weaker moments I think that it's unfortunate that since I gave my life to the Lord I know I wont be able to throw back a Jack and Coke (or 3) when the time gets nearer, to help ease the pain dontcha know... Well, I prob. wont be able to hold the glass steady enough anyways.. Its perspective...
Also, there are times when I cant remember how to spell the word 'The" or remember my own phone # . Just today I was on the phone with the Dr. at the Parkinson's research dept, He wanted my phone # when he was threatening that if I don't stop calling and leaving messages for him about the weird things that are happening to me, (like just now, I'm on the toilet as I'm typing this and my knee just jerked as I leaned over to get the tp ( you totally thought I was going to say as leaned over to wipe , didn't you!? ) and nearly fell of the toilet!! Hold on, I have to write the knee thing down for when I call the Dr @ the Research Center here in a minute, be right back... Ok, back, where was I? Oh yes, I'm sure you'll agree, those are definitely signs that I am due for Alzheimer's to set in at any minute. Which brings me to Character verification. I seek them out. I'm thankful to those of you that, against every ones badgering, pleading, threatening and waging to never return to your blog, that you stay strong and continue to use them. I strongly believe that they might just be what will help to stave off the Alzheimer's, at least for a bit longer. Let me explain. When I pull up someones comment page, and I see it there I type my reply, then I scroll down to it, take one look at it and then try, in one take, to type it out without looking again.. I feel so good when I get it in one take.. Some of those are difficult, like 'cremuhged' how many of you could remember that in one take?? I am building my brain back with the help of this wonderful Character Verification! So I just want to say "thank you" , to all of you that have made this a reality for me!! I also want to encourage you to stand your ground, don't give in to the threats and the nay sayers that say that they arnt going to come back, or that because it takes a extra 30 seconds to leave a reply it makes them shy away from reading your blog's. Waa waa wa, who needs those replies anyways, not us my dear friends, NOT US!! So, wont the rest of you join us in building a stronger future? Its such a tiny way to give back, but the brain you strengthen may just be yours, or maybe even someone you love... Take all the time you need, just remember every tick of the clock may take you closer to a ......... what the heck was I going to say...Wait, No, that wasn't.... well, maybe I'll... aw, forget it .......
Till next time, LA
Also, there are times when I cant remember how to spell the word 'The" or remember my own phone # . Just today I was on the phone with the Dr. at the Parkinson's research dept, He wanted my phone # when he was threatening that if I don't stop calling and leaving messages for him about the weird things that are happening to me, (like just now, I'm on the toilet as I'm typing this and my knee just jerked as I leaned over to get the tp ( you totally thought I was going to say as leaned over to wipe , didn't you!? ) and nearly fell of the toilet!! Hold on, I have to write the knee thing down for when I call the Dr @ the Research Center here in a minute, be right back... Ok, back, where was I? Oh yes, I'm sure you'll agree, those are definitely signs that I am due for Alzheimer's to set in at any minute. Which brings me to Character verification. I seek them out. I'm thankful to those of you that, against every ones badgering, pleading, threatening and waging to never return to your blog, that you stay strong and continue to use them. I strongly believe that they might just be what will help to stave off the Alzheimer's, at least for a bit longer. Let me explain. When I pull up someones comment page, and I see it there I type my reply, then I scroll down to it, take one look at it and then try, in one take, to type it out without looking again.. I feel so good when I get it in one take.. Some of those are difficult, like 'cremuhged' how many of you could remember that in one take?? I am building my brain back with the help of this wonderful Character Verification! So I just want to say "thank you" , to all of you that have made this a reality for me!! I also want to encourage you to stand your ground, don't give in to the threats and the nay sayers that say that they arnt going to come back, or that because it takes a extra 30 seconds to leave a reply it makes them shy away from reading your blog's. Waa waa wa, who needs those replies anyways, not us my dear friends, NOT US!! So, wont the rest of you join us in building a stronger future? Its such a tiny way to give back, but the brain you strengthen may just be yours, or maybe even someone you love... Take all the time you need, just remember every tick of the clock may take you closer to a ......... what the heck was I going to say...Wait, No, that wasn't.... well, maybe I'll... aw, forget it .......
Till next time, LA
You are too funny.
Are you seriously that worried about Parkinson's? Honestly, I worry about it too b/c my grandfather had it. But I think sometimes it's just hypochondria on my end.
Load up on coffee - they have studies that show moderate to heavy coffee drinkers have lower rates of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
What a funny and cute post! Love your sense of humor!
too funny...
So maybe you'll be in the company of Billy Graham someday and you two can shake and think about our Savior together. Although, by the time you become totally symptomatic, he'll most likely already be in the presence of our Savior.
In the meantime, my prayers are for that poor Dr at the Parkinson's research center....
I understand Parkinsons, my dad has a form of it...they have come a long way with research. I wonder if I do not have it with the way my legs jerk but its supposed to be MS symptoms. I took Requup til it did some crazy things with my brain and personality???
You are so funny! And I love that other comment... Load up on coffee!
crap.. I don't even remember how I got here..it must be contagious...
anyhoo... I loved it... what you said, ya know...
Baaaaahahaha! Thanks for the laugh! You are too funny! Hey you can always drink your Jack & coke out of a straw! See there is hope!
btw - New Moon comes out on dvd in 2 weeks. Woohoo!!! I'm still excited even though I like the books more!
This post is hilarious! Thanks for stopping by my blog.
That is to funny. Stand firm. Make sure we all begin to use word verification!
I feel the opposite of the Captcha. As if I don't have enough in my brain to comprehend, now I have to try and type a word that DOESN'T EVEN EXIST? And if I get it wrong, they give me a NEW one, that I will also, inevitably get wrong, and the cycle repeats...over and over and I never ever get to comment, and by then, I have so much to say, and no way to say it, I may as well just go commit myself.
You're too funny!! I never thought of it like that!
I can't tell if you're serious about parkinsons or not...if you are I'm so sorry....
About character input...I too had people (when asked) say it makes them twitch, and I too find it annoying, but don't really mind it that much, except when it's not visible while writing my comment, and then shows up once I hit post or send, and then I think I might not notice and then my comment gets lost.
BUT I never thought of it being remotely worthwhile! So bravo!
I'm all for a stronger future!!!
That was the funniest funniest post I've read in a very long time.
I'm totally laughing through this whole thing...
Girl you are so crazy, that's why we are BFF's...guess who??? You may not remember me we haven't talked since Monday! LOve ya!
I can't tell if your serious or not - but I know you're pretty funny.
I was glad you didn't say wipe (lol). xox
Thanks for passing by Windmills and Tulps. I always appreciate the support. xox
God bless you always!!!
Sorry, I can't stand those word verification things. Half the time I lose my comments.
Praying you have a great week!
You are too funny!!
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