You guys... You are NOT going to believe this!!!. In Touch Mag is reporting that Jesse James is cheating on Sandra Bullock!! They say that he had an affair with tattoo model Michelle McGee while she was filming "The Blind Side" in Texas. Sandra and Jesse have been married now for 5 years & have seemed to be a very happy couple. James has been to all of the awards shows this year to support her for the all the nominations and awards she has won for The Blind Side. Did you guys see when she won the Oscar and James was seen in the audience with tears in his eyes?. She has even referred to her him as “having my back”.
Michelle McGee is telling InTouch magazine that she was having an affair with Jesse while Sandra was filming The Blind Side saying “We ended up on the couch,” “He wanted to watch movies, but I asked him, ‘What’s going on with you and Sandra?’ He said, ‘She doesn’t live here. She has a house in Austin. She is filming, and I can’t talk about it.”

Michelle McGee is telling InTouch magazine that she was having an affair with Jesse while Sandra was filming The Blind Side saying “We ended up on the couch,” “He wanted to watch movies, but I asked him, ‘What’s going on with you and Sandra?’ He said, ‘She doesn’t live here. She has a house in Austin. She is filming, and I can’t talk about it.”

McGee claims that she had a 5 week affair about 2 times a week with Jesse James. Just because she says it does not make it true, but having Sandra Bullock pull out of the movie premier in London makes me wonder if there is truth to this story. It would be a shame if in the best year of her career, her marriage to the man she is head over heels in love with falls apart... Well, I for one really don't know what to think. I truly thought/ think they are that 1% in Hollywood that will last. I have so much respect for her and I truly hope this is all just part of an evil pan to destroy all Great Marriages in Show biz. Thats what Im gonna believe until I hear otherwise. JUST PLAIN SAD... PS. I dont usually ever talk about this kind of stuff, but I feel like I know them. Ive watched her movies for ever and have watched Jesse on his various TV programs for years . We have seen him go through alot of family trials & a divorce all while trying to protect his babies. For some reason, this just really shocked me...
Hey girl! Thanks so much for stopping by! I am with you...I am still scratching my head over this one...I hope it's just a nasty rumor! Hope your having a great day! xoxo
I hope that girl is lying! I thought Sandra & Jesse were great together. Yeah, I just don't know any more. Tiger Woods now has everybody wondering who's really cheating! Ha!
Ohhh. I really, really hope this turns out to be false. :(
They seemed so happy.
I guess time will tell.
Thanks for stopping by my blog- and for the sweet comment! No, I didn't get pinched today- I even had on my shamrock earrings. I take no chances!
oh dear, I with SSM, I cannot get my head around this.... she is such the american sweet heart, I so hope it is not true...heart breaking.
Thanks for stopping by HB for the 'inspiration' series.
All the best,
oh i HOPE she's lying!! what a little trash-bag either way...ew. i looooove me some sandy, so i hope it's a total lie!
I dont believe it!! I LOVE Sandra....and I am really hoping that this is just some sick publicity stunt. I would be so sad if it were to be true!!
So sad - I caught wind of this yesterday and was as disappointed as if I knew them in real life. :( After all those glowing pre-Oscar interviews she did raving about the support of her husband?! Hope it isn't true.
I just heard this this morning and I was deeply saddened. I love Sandra Bullock and was so happy when it seemed she finally found her soul mate. All her acceptances speeches that she made about Jesse really pulled at my heartstrings and then for this to happen...so sad :( I'm hoping it's just a rumor that they'll put the kabosh on, but that doesn't seem to be the trend in Hollywood.
ohmygosh I have followed this story too. Normally I dont spend too much time listening to who is cheating on who, who is marrying who.. and who is getting divorced! BUT I love sandra bullock! She deserves so much better!
More on that... Why do guys cheat with girls who are far less pretty?
(thanks for stopping by! such a fun blog!)
I so was going to write something about this!!! I feel bad for Sandy and Jesse is so cute so why would he do that? Then Bombshell...not cute at all!!! I hope they work things out...boo!
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I couldn't believe this either! I mean Sandra is WAY hotter LoL. Thanks for commenting, I'm now a follower!
Noooooo! I love Sandra Bullock.
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