Kait got her permit yesterday!!!! I cannot even believe it... I said that I still see her as the 3 year old w/ pigtails & a scratchy lil voice. It's funny how God prepares us for each step in the journey. When they are little you think "I'll never be ready to let go", but along the way somthing strenghtens you. I have 2 15 year old right behind her & they are just as independent & brave as she is& every bit as excited to spread their wings. Lets hope I'm as brave when "they" are sitting in the drivers seat. Thank you my heavenly Father for strength for the day, peace on the joirney(should I CHOOSE to accept it) & a vision for your call on their lives!. Till next time, I still LYLAS, B ;) LA.
Leah Allen
-- Sent from my Palm Pre
Yikes, but I know she will do a good job and you will soon be at ease!
Yikes, let us know when she gets her actual license then we will stay off the roads! LOL until then we are trusting that you and Chris will be in the car giving her 100% of your attention!
At least she is driving in style!! Yoohoo!
ha ha.. love the title of the post! What great adventures await your Kait.
My prayer life is always the strongest when we have a new teen driver in our family. God bless you, Girl...My youngest will turn 16 in Nov. and I already dread it!
Go Kait, but go slowly!
Best wishes, mom!!
I do not even want to think about the day mine will start to drive. I know it will come too soon!
Thanks for visiting The Virginia House and your comments. I understood where you were coming from!
Thanks again!
Oh my, those are days that will set your nerves on edge.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I really appreciate it. Have a blessed evening!
Driving! I can't even imagine that yet! Tonight, my son (who's 6) is at his first ever sleep over, and that's a big enough milestone. But driving! Oh man.
Oh I dread those days...but how exciting for Kait.
Wow. That is insane that she is old enough to drive. Isn't it sad how fast that time goes! She looks adorable behind the wheel!!!
Yay Kait!! Sorry Momma!
She'll do great!!
what an exciting time for her!! your worry comes when that turns into the actual license. hope she does well.
My daughter got her permit right after Christmas and I am still afraid to drive with her! I don't recall being afraid when teaching our son.....but then again he didn't side swipe his dad's truck with MY car trying to back out of the driveway either:) Good Luck!!
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