It's been rainy & cold here for what seems like forever! Now, that seems to bother quite a few people, but not Moi. Actually, I LOVE it!... You get to bundle up all warm & toasty, you get to cuddle w/ your hunny, & for some reason the darker the sky- the happier I am!... I know, weird! On this particular cloudy, rainy day this weekend my sweet man took me for a ride through the countryside where we drove down by this little bridge & stream. We stopped the car & got out in the mist to walk down to the streams edge & I just had to capture this memory. Just looking @ the pic envokes such a wonderful feeling in me... It's just the little thoughtful way he stole away w/ me & we talked & laughed & drove. It's those times that get me through all the times that arnt fun.(& if we arnt careful, start to weigh us down). The best part is, it didn't cost us anything except for time. What does it for you? Somthing that wells up pure joy & contentment in your heart? I wish you lost of time spent in that place (but not so much that it looses it's flare). Make time for your "somthing". - Thanks for reading & I can't wait to read about yours! LYLAS/B , LA
Leah Allen
-- Sent from my Palm Pre
My sister feels this way about the weather. She loves the color gray and is happy when it rains and it's misty. It's nice that you embrace it.
Sounds like a beautiful day! I remember those days when we had all 5 at home and we just had to get away!
I don't share your love for this kind of weather but I LOVED reading about your private excursion, just the two of you...I like driving in the car with my guy on a sunny day and sipping Cherry Limeade and eating from a bag of Lay's BBQ potato chips - reminds me of when we were dating, way back when. *smile
I'm not sure where you live, but you would LOVE England! My hubby is from Yorkshire and your photo makes me think of being there. Even though it is cloudy many days, the green of the countryside brightens up the grayness of the skies and this river and bridge is so reminiscent of my visits there!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Nice to meet you!
Great pictures and it sounds like you both had a wonderful time. I'm glad you got out of the house and "away" even if for a little while. Love you sistapants.
I love the rain too. Totally my favorite weather. Great pictures!
You guys are such a cute couple! This looks like a neat place. Was this around Owasso or in Tulsa? Only place we have driven to has old SCARY looking bridges! =)
What a sweet tie with your hubby alone!!! It's rare that we get to do that, but I'm sure once the kids are older, we will enjoy having those quiet times to ourselves.
You look great!
great pics! I love those spur of the moment memories we make doing the simple things!!
Your hubby kind of looks like Michael Keaton, no?
Soppin Huh?? Must be a fellow southern Gal?
Ps...I love some Edward too!
God Bless!!
great pics! I love those spur of the moment memories we make doing the simple things!!
Your hubby kind of looks like Michael Keaton, no?
Beautiful place for pics! I love days like that too! So funny about the comment you left on my blog. 2 of my boys b-days are Nov.20 & 22 then the other 2 b-days are Feb. 20 & 22. Then mine is Jan 13 and my husband's is July 13. It's so weird!!! Big Twilight fan too! Can't wait to read more, I'm your newest follower!
these are great pictures!!
thanks for stopping by my blog :)
Where were you guys at? That looks like some of the bridges in Clearbrooke Crossing. I'm not a rainy day kinda girl it makes me feel gloomy but I'm glad you like them!!!
I don't share your love for the rain, I'm a sunny kind of girl. I don't get near enough of it up here in Wisconsin.
The simple things make me happy too. Time alone with my hubs is the best.
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