Tonight an elementary school is having a dance for little girls & their daddy's, so Daddy took lil P! Chels got her all dolled up & she looked so precious! He also brought her flowers & her first pair or heals! (Mary Janes ;) You should have seen how excited she was, I started to well up! She's not gonna be excited to dance w/ Daddy for to much longer, so we'll take it!!
Leah Allen
-- Sent from my Palm Pre
yes, I am aware that there are 2, count them, TWO - spelling errors. One of which is "heals" & I'm fairly certain I spelled it correctly & Blogger then spelled it incorrectly. I'll not mention the other one (maybe you won't notice it ;)
THIS IS Darling! Oh my how special! I would have loved this when I was young. Two things were missing though, the dance and a Daddy to take me. She is so Blessed!
How adorable is that??
She looks like a mini you!!
She looks darling! Love the red and white on her definitely Lil P's colors!
Tonight will be a GREAT memory for your daughter. My oldest daughter is grown and still often talks about the Father/Daughter Valentines Banquet she & Dad attended when she was in the Brownies. GREAT STUFF!!
BTW, your dd looks like her Daddy. Do you think so?
How sweet! She looks beautiful :)
Peyton looks beautiful!! I'm glad they had so much fun.
ps. I saw on my e-mail that you requested my friendship on FACEBOOK, but I'm not doing FB right now. So just e-mail me if ya need anything!
See ya soon.
Thank you for stopping by my blog! :) I got tears in my eyes when I saw this picture,(I'm emotional today) nothing sweeter than a Daddy with his daughter! Have a wonderful weekend!!!
We just had our daddy daughter dance too. They look so cute together.
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