Friday night we had a lock~in birthday party for Kait's sweet 16th. Oh man was it a BLAST!!! I am so dang tired but it was totally worth it!! We had her fooled into thinking that we were meeting friends in Tulsa at her fav. mexican place & that we had to stop by our church for camp papers. So off we go upstairs to the youth area where a room full of people lay in wait to jump out & scream "Happy Birthday" to her. She,was SHOCKED!! The whole thing went off w/out a hitch, including the fact that 5o people from our church & friends knew & managed to keep it a complete secret~ Amazing!!

(It's sitting in the kitchen right now beacause I cant force myself to cut into her precious lil body!! We did eat some, all around the edge, lol!) . 7 or 8 of my girlfriends came up to hang with us. I love my friends. They are truly supportive & sincerely love the girls & myself. I can see it in their actions, & I couldn't feel more blessed!!. Jenn Wedemeyer & Kelly Grubb did above n beyond & were there to get their "up -all- night" on & I am soooo thankful that they were. We played a series of games in the dark & after the boys went home these 2 ladies kept right up with the action & totally joined in on the chaos! The alarms went off somewhere around 1am & we missplaced the code, we ran around for 20 minutes trying to find it, imagine 15 girls running around , SCREAMING for 20 solid minutes!! I called 911 to let them know what was going on so they wouldn't send anyone, they didn't know a thing about it!!. The poor security company chap showed up around 2 am, I guess he didn't get the memo?! Mayyyyybe we need to re-evaluate our alarm situation?? lol. At one point Kelly & I hid in an area together that one of us could barely fit in, let alone both of us. We laughed, & laughed our henies off!!!. (also lost feeling in our butts & toes, & still continued at a ridiculous pace well past 4 am!!)
And this is a pic of Jenn stuck, in a secret location that we cannot devuldge otherwise there might be consequences!! ;) Thank you ladies for taking time away from your families to embark on that adventure with me, your awesome!!

Kait & her friends are still talking about it & are already ready for the next one. Which is perfect because Kevin & Jenn are already offering to chaperone so I gatta get it on the calendar!! ;)
I cherish this time in our lives & hope to drink it all in. I just really hope that I'm not to worn our when lil P gets this age & needs me to participate in her life, lol!!
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend & I can't wait to read all about it!!
Sounds like an awesome time! Wish Chad and I could have been there!
It was a VERY fun time! But I was NOT stuck...just laughing so hard that I couldn't get up!!!
What a fun party. SO glad she was surprised. Loved the cake. Isn't is wonderful to have great friends? It truly is a blessing.
Sounds like a total blast!!!
How fun! It sounds like a lock in that our church has for our youth!!
I bet she was so blessed to see all those people there for her!!!
What a BLAST! It sounds like it was a hit!
what an awesome idea! i haven't been to a lock-in in forever!
a blast full hit..
sounds like you had a wonderful time. I miss those days. My girls are all grown and gone and I really do miss the teen years with them.
Sounds like a PARTAY I would have loved!! My invite must have got lost in the mail! LOL! So glad you had a blast and made memories! And the alarm? hahahahahahahahahaha
Hugs - Keli
That is quite an accomplishment to pull off a surprise party on a 16 yr old girl. If your daughter is anything like mine was at 16 (and still is) she has to know everything going on, all the time! Sounds like it went great and was a lot of fun. How long did it take to recover from the all-nighter? ha ha
what an awesome idea! i haven't been to a lock-in in forever!
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