Kait my oldest turned 16 in ummm, 28 minutes ago. I seriously cannot believe it!!! Where in the world did all the time go, huh? A few days ago on Mothers day I was sitting doing somthing & suddenly realized that I only have 2 more mothers day's with all four of my girls under one roof~it hit me like a mack truck. I'm just not ready.
Tomorrow we are having a surprise lock-in birthday bash up at our church, & I'm having a pic of her on her first b~day put on her cake. As I sat going through all of the pictures of her over the last 16 years, I started to really struggle with how quickly the time has gone by. Did I spend enough quality time with her?. Does she know how very special she is to me?. Have I been a good mom to her?. Have I listened & encouraged her?. She was born 13 months before her twin sisters, & the first few years were really hard on her & took some adjustment (for all of us!!). I have wondered over the years if she got to be a baby long enough?.
She has really been a great big sister. When lil P came along she just jumped right in and was such a huge help to me. She has always been so mature & level headed & before she was a teen she was already offering to watch our friends children so that they could have a break!!
As of late, our life hasn't been one filled with very many tender moments. She & I are so much alike & there have been times when I wondered if I would make it through, but I have realized is that this is a time in her life where I am working on letting go, & she is working on going......
I couldn't have asked for a more precious Kaitlyn. She was hand picked just for me. I cherish every tick of the clock that God has gifted me with her as my daughter, & right now more than ever I want to celebrate having her in my life.
I love you very much Kaitlyn. Always know that I believe in you. I'm always going to be on your side. And you always , always, have a home here with me.
I cannot wait to see all of the wonderful things you have yet to do, & all of the mountains you have yet to climb.
Happy Happy Birthday Baby!!! ♥ MOM
Oh my what a beautiful post! Wow a blast that she is 16! Chad is just around the corner from him and he is my baby!
Please tell her Happy Birthday for me.
Oh, that was so sweet!!
Happy Sweet 16!!!!
What a beautiful post Leah! And I am with you.. it goes by so fast. way too fast. thanks for reminding me to cherish every single moment!
happy Day to your sweet "little" girl!
(team orange);)
OMG 16 already Happy Birthday!! it really flys by and thanks for making me cry with what you wrote. you know I do not do emotion well lol...
What a beautiful post. I pray you all have a blessed day.
Don't make me CRY!!!
Aww, so sweet. Our girls grow up way too fast, don't they? Hope you all have a blast at her party!
What a great post, and how lucky not only you are but Kaitlyn for a great Momma who cares so much. Happy Sweet 16 Kaitlyn!!
Hey girl! I've missed ya! I love that pick of your daughter. She is beautiful! I hope she had a wonderful birthday! I dread those teenage years!
Aww, Happy Birthday sweet girl. She is gorgeous!! Time sure flies by, keep being that proud mama... and have fun!!
I can't even imagine this. They REALLY grow up????
I love that pick of your daughter. She is beautiful! I hope she had a wonderful birthday! I dread those teenage years!
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