I just had to have a talk w/ my 8 year old about how un nice she is to her older sister's. (especially her & the cute one in the middle up there) I talked to her about what it will be like once they are all gone & how it hurts me to see them treat one another so poorly. Punk (oldest on the rt) is a junior, so 1 1/2 more years is about all we have w/ her here & Shorty & Pooh are twins & freshmen, so 3 yrs w/ them- it will be gone in a flash. How in the world did we get here so fast? It. just happened!... I was 14 yrs older than my lil sis & wanted a sister for yeeeears before she came along. We were to far apart in age & when I left home she was 3 so we never really had much of a relationship. I reminded lil P of that & told her how special "sisters" are & about how she'll miss them & wish she could have these years back. -he teared up & made a commitment to try & do better.I don't know if it did any good & if so, for how long but I could see that she hadn't really thought about how her attitude effects them or that she's not been very easy to share a room with. I called Shorty in & had them hug & talk it out. Uncomfortable for them? - Uh hu!! Necessary, yup!. As they left my room I have to admit that I was somwhat doubting that the truce would last for long (they are both type A & lil firecrackers!) I know that they may have to be reminded from time to time, & that's ok. I just want them to realize how special it is to have 3 sisters & how truly blessed they are. Just now I heard lil P ask if Shorty wanted to get a snack & then say " I love you..." Hmmm, & I didn't even have to threaten.. It just happened!!
I'm gonna go see if I can get in on that snack! I hope you have a Teriffic Tuesday! LYLAS LA
Leah Allen
--Sent from my Palm Pre
I have this talk with my kids all the time. It helps that they get to see me and my brothers interact and see that we are really close, but I think they are too young (8 and 5) to realize that I DO know what I'm talking about. lol
I hope the talk helped and they become super close!
I think it's just the age.
This too shall pass.
Just keep doing what you're doing and remind them how lucky they are constantly!
Hang in there.
Sister that talk smack to each other? I'm SHOCKED!! *giggle
You did good Mom.
Someday they'll thank you.
Your girls are gorgeous!!
I know what you mean about the little cat fights too. My girls are 6 years apart, and I tell them that they will be the best of friends one day.
awww you know you're a good momma when you're worried about that!! great having a talk with her - you're right, she'll be really happy she has her siblings as she gets older :)
Our 2 older grandsons (brothers) always seem to be at each other's throats but when push comes to shove, they are always there for one another. I'm sure your girls love each other too even during their disagreements.
Great job at mothering!!! I wish me & my sister had a better relationship when we were younger, but I lived w/ our dad and she lived w/ my mom when they divorced. I was 13 and she was 11.
The girls will thank you for this when they are older!
the relationship with siblings... always a roller coaster... but in the end, it is the "I love you" that they always feel for each other!
I feel like I am constantly having that same conversation with my kids too. I hope it makes a difference eventually. :) I know that they really do love each other. I wished they just let all of us in on the secret once in awhile.
very, very true!!!!!!! great post!!!!! we will be sending one of this fall to college......oh boy we are ALL going to miss her so much!!!! good luck to you, hope it all works out!!!! it will make life soooooooo much easier for everybody!!!!! :)
Glad to hear you had this talk. My mom swears she had a similar talk with me and my sister (I don't remember it) but she says it made a world of difference in how we treated each other afterwards. I remember that we got along very well and hardly ever fought, so maybe the talk did it's trick. I hope it does for you and your girls as well.
Oh Gosh, I feel your pain on this one. My boys fight and argue with one another daily. I have to remind them that they are not behaving "brotherly" and if they are really mean to one another -- I make them hug! I'm hoping they will grow out of it. There are more nice times these days. So, we will see....
luck to both of us on this one!
Your girls are gorgeous!!
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