We lost a 14 year old boy Sunday night here in Owasso. He was with a friend & crossing the freeway that runs through town. They were crossing to go home after meeting friends at a local pizza joint & didn't want to go all the way around. 3 cars hit this boy going 65 mph and he was dead on the scene. The tragedy isn't just that he is gone, it's the uncertainty of where he will spend eternity... His mother just dropped dead in the parking lot of a local grocery store a few years ago & this was this couples only child together. The boy occasionally came to our church & after his mothers passing, some of the leaders in our youth took Jesse in. He stayed with a couple for a few moths & they got to love on him and share Gods love & purpose for his life, but he never was able to forgive God for "taking " his mom....The friend of Jesse's has barely been able to breathe since watching this happen to his friend, I cannot even imagine.. I am unable to express the sorrow that I feel for this family & for this young boy as I write this, it's one of those times when things just don't make any sense. As a Christ follower you know that the only way to get through it is to know that God is here, in the midst of all of this pain & to turn to Him, but as a child who really doesn't know God & His love n grace you are just left with all of this pain & wondering, why... And as we as believers all know, satan could very easily use this in Josh's life for a very long long time... Please join us in praying for this family, his best friend Josh & also please pray for wisdom for the couple that got very close to Jesse as they minister to this man who has lost his baby boy...
We love and miss you Jesse....
Please, tell your babies what they mean to you, & if you haven't already, make sure they have asked Jesus into their precious he♥rts. It's never to late, until it is....
Thank you all, ♥ LA
Such a sad sad story!
I try to tell our kids all the time that we just never know what the next day (let alone the next hour) brings.
Prayers for the family.
Once again we are reminded of just how fragile life is. I know God can make even the most horrible situations into something beautiful for someone else. I pray that those who knew Jesse will be drawn to God for their comfort and salvation...I hear your pain, also. I know you are hurting. I'm very sorry.
Oh how tragic, this is horrible. We will be keeping all of you in our prayers. What a horrible thing for the young man that was with him to have witnessed.
Lifting them all in prayer.
I will certainly be praying!!! I saw it on the news....so tragic!!!
I will definetly be praying for the family and for josh! I am so sorry for your loss, I know it is hard to see how anything good can come out of this but I believe God can use the worst of situations to draw the broken to Him. I will be praying that Josh seek out God's peace and comfort and that he would find love in the arms of all those around him. I can't imagine his pain.
I am praying for you!
This is truly a tragedy and I can not imagine what the poor boy with him is having to go through. I will pray for the entire situation and pray that something good will come out of it.
Wow, that is just so sad....what can you say after that. I literally felt a lump in my stomach after reading--I prayed for his friends and family.
That's awful. Hugs and prayers to all of you who knew and loved him. I believe that he is reunited with his mom now.
Oh my prayers go out to everyone, this is tragic for sure.
We just had a tragic accident here last night 1 died and 8 are seriously hurt. Closed the hwy for 5 hours.
This is just awful! Our community knows to well the pain of loosing young ones. We have lost 7 in our small area in about the last 5 years. It is so so hard.
What a sad thing to have happened. I will pray for this boy's family and friends.
So sad, and heartbreaking. I will be praying.
I've been wondering about you and yesterday prayed for you...just not like you to not "be around" here.
So sorry about this tradgedy. But we have to remember that nothing is out of God's hands and that we can find rest in His sovereignty. Colossians chapter one is a great place to land this week...He is before all things and in Him, all things hold together.
Love to you all~
That truly is saddening. I will defintely be saying prayers for his family and for the boy that was with him when it happened.
Oh my word...I'm so sad for everyone involved. I cried while reading this. I can't imagine the pain everyone is feeling right now. I'm praying for all of you...BIG {{{HUGS}}}
That is awful. That makes my heart so sad. Praying for friends and family of this young man. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
I'm so sorry to hear this horrible news. I will be thinking of and praying for this family. Remember that God is gracious and I feel he will take care of this young man in heaven.
Leah, this is just horrible! I will be praying for everyone envolved. I am really at a loss for words. I am so sorry!
So very sad :-( He and his family are in my prayers.
So very sad :-( He and his family are in my prayers.
That is so very sad. And my heart goes out to the poor young man who had to witness this horrible tragedy. When my son was 10 years old he watched his best friend get hit by a 16 year old driver. She actually knocked him right out of his shoes. My son grabbed one of his friends shoes and ran screaming for about 6 blocks to his friends house. When the mom came to the door there stood my hysterical son with Jaron's shoe crying that he had been smashed by a car. The mom of this young boy actually beat the ambulance to the scene. We were so lucky that his friend made a full recovery after a very long hospital stay. I know to this day 18 years later my son still has nightmares about it. I hope this young boy gets some help for what he will have to go through. They will be in my prayers.
oh, how sad, prayers lifted!!
I am so so sorry about what has happened to this boy. But I pray right now that God cover josh with his blood and we bind any spirit or spiritual attacks the enemy might launch against his mind. God is still God!!! Great is he that is in me that he that is in the world. We SHALL overcome...someone needs to be pleading the blood of Jesus over these young peoples lives...I am so glad they have you...don't let my pentacostal prayer scare you..lol I am spirit filled and we confront things head on!!
So sad! Prayers for the family!
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