Chop chop
Originally uploaded by LA'S DAZE
OKAY, I want to start a truth thread.. When you read this if you so choose to accept , I would like for you to post 5 things that even your closest friends may not know ( nothing that you would be uncomfortable with sharing, but not easy things like, " I hate the color purple, or sushi" ) then leave a comment telling me (and the others who will read this) that you have done it... It will be great to see how many of the same things we as women struggle with, and we can encourage one another because we have been there... If you'd rather not, ya can just leave a shout out to say ya were here ;o)
----I am in this group on tuesdays to help ya heal any stuff that you have stuffed. I went wondering what, if anything , I needed to recover from. I know where I've come from and I know that God is daily healing me of junk, but Im aware of it all. Well let me tell you, satan has such a shifty way of making things that you think are jut "who you are", or " just a part of your story" or that "stuff just 'happend" so you just made lemonade. Well, those things leave a mark, and if you dont realize that its not necessary to carry all of that around, you are never truly free.
*One thing that I realized is that I am crafty, and not in the Marth Stewart kinda way, in an muchhhhh different way... I can easily acess a situation and do whatever it takes to arrive unscathed. I adapted this very young and learned this tactic because of the environmment that I grew up in. Not pretty, just the truth. One example of how that translates in my life now is that I can tell imediately when someone judges me. So right away I eaither turn off, or I set about to disprove their perception of me. And often times people will later say to me that they had misjudged me.
*I have a very strong personality, and I loveeeeee loving people. I am often the life of the party, but I dont want the spotlight just on me, I want us all under the disco ball partying... ( as my friend Dawn has said)
*I am often sought out by people who are shy or lack the personality traits that I do and then they later become jealous and competitive because I am so outgoing and fun lovin, and I'm over here lal la la la la in my own little world totally oblivious to the fact that they are ticked. A blessing and a curse at the same time.
* I want deep friendships , but I just had my butt handed to me from someone I really cared about and trusted, so now I just dont want to do the work that it takes to put myself out there again...
*I used to really struggle to love one of my children. It was work. I prayed oftennnn that God would make her the apple of my eye and help me to see her as He does, He is soooo faithful and now I cant get enough of her.Ok enough bout me, thanks for reading, now I just cant wait to learn more about you... Love ya, L A
Hi there! Thanks for coming by! I loved this post, especially the last statement which was so unbelievably honest. I am aware people have gone through something like that, I am just glad God helped you through it.
Hey there! Thanks for stopping by! I'll def be back to read more :D
Hey chica I read all you post and love knowing whats going on with ya. You are a awesome friend!
Hey, thanks for visiting I love meeting new people...especially ones that love music as much as me. I found some artists today that I hadn't heard of before if you want to check em' out they are listed on my blog. Hope you are having a great day!
Thanks for the supportive comment on my post. I really needed it, and it's great to know it will get better. Some days...
And great post on the secrets. I'll need to think of a couple that I dare to post... ;)
hey leah! thanks for commenting on my blog, i appreciate your kindness :) i live in greensboro, about 1/2 way between the mts and beach
I love your honesty and your blog I'm glad I found you!
Come and visit me sometime. I'm sure to be back to yours!;o)
Be blessed!
you love loving people....really?
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