Our family's journey, & all the bumps & bruises along the way...


Saturday, August 23, 2008

The saddle...

That's what I'm back in! I took a lil blogging hiatus, just needed to hang w/ the girls & hubby before we are back in full swing w/ this school year. I've also spent some time getting back in touch w/ my Creator & oh what a joyous time we have had. Its so wierd how spening time w/ God can wipe out even the gloomiest day,heal an acheing heart, right any wrong and yet oftentimes, we still drift away. I'm just so thankful that He waits, arms open wide, w/ a heart bursting w/ love for us- just as we are. One thing I've really been seeking Him for is help w/ love- "Agape" love. As a believer we are called to love" Thy enemy, thy neighbor, thos who persecute us, our parents, mate, children ect... And some are so easy to love, but others are truly only- through-Him. I want to love, truly" LOVE" like Jesus.As a believer who resides here on earth surrounded by other imperfect believers & non as well, I'm finding that I get oportunities daily to "choose" to love - make no mistake, its a choice. Luke 6:27 - love your enemies, do good to those who hate you. Pray for those who hurt you. -6:33 - And if you do good only to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that... 35b- If we do these things" Then your reward will be great & you will be sons (daughters) of the Most High God because He is kind to the ungreatful & wicked." The best part is that we arnt expected to manage this on our own, He gives us the supernatural ability- when we ask! And you know what else? The reward isn't just in heaven, its here & now too! I've been talking to the girls about these things. They as well get oportunities (often) to "choose". I pray I'm helping to equip them. If I may be so bold to ask you to consider, what are you choosing? Till next time! LA